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Monthly Archives: June 2019

The United States Now Has a Federal Data Strategy

“Government agencies will implement the Federal Data Strategy through steps identified in annual government-wide Action Plans. These plans will identify priority Action Steps for a given year, incrementally build from year to year, and complement as needed requirements of new statute and policy. The priority of the draft 2019-2020 Federal Data Strategy Action Plan (hereinafter… Continue Reading

AI deepfakes are now as simple as typing whatever you want your subject to say

The Verge: “In the latest example of deepfake technology, researchers have shown off new software that uses machine learning to let users edit the text transcript of a video to add, delete, or change the words coming right out of somebody’s mouth. The work was done by scientists from Stanford University, the Max Planck Institute… Continue Reading

Many Americans Say Made-Up News Is a Critical Problem That Needs To Be Fixed

Pew – Politicians viewed as major creators made-up news, but journalists seen as the ones who should fix it – “Many Americans say the creation and spread of made-up news and information is causing significant harm to the nation and needs to be stopped, according to a new Pew Research Center survey of 6,127 U.S.… Continue Reading

Automated Authorship Verification: Did We Really Write Those Blogs We Said We Wrote?

Wolfram Blog – May 28, 2019 — Daniel Lichtblau, Symbolic Algorithms Developer, Algorithms R&D – “Several Months Ago – I wrote a blog post about the disputed Federalist Papers. These were the 12 essays (out of a total of 85) with authorship claimed by both Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. Ever since the landmark statistical… Continue Reading

Americans May Be Ingesting Thousands of Microplastics Every Year

Smithsonian – A new study found that we consume between 74,000 and 121,000 plastic particles annually—and that’s likely an underestimate – “Microplastics are everywhere in our environment: oceans, soils, the air, the bodies of animals. It’s hardly surprising, then, that the tiny fragments have also been found in humans. But a new study is shining troubling… Continue Reading

Amazon’s helping police build a surveillance network with Ring doorbells

cnet – Its popular Ring smart doorbells mean more cameras on more doorsteps, where surveillance footage used to be rare. “If you’re walking in Bloomfield, New Jersey, there’s a good chance you’re being recorded. But it’s not a corporate office or warehouse security camera capturing the footage — it’s likely a Ring doorbell made by… Continue Reading

How China Is Planning to Rank 1.3 Billion People

Bloomberg: ” China has a radical plan to influence the behavior of its 1.3 billion people: It wants to grade each of them on aspects of their lives to reflect how good (or bad) a citizen they are. Versions of the so-called social credit system are being tested in a dozen cities with the aim… Continue Reading

LLRX – Articles for April and May 2019

Articles for April – May 2019 Casetext’s New ‘SmartCite’ Citator Is Its Clever Answer to Shepard’s and KeyCite Terms, Tags, and Classification Whither Law Student Information Literacy? Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues May 26, 2019 – Four highlights from this week: Finland is winning the war on fake news. Other nations… Continue Reading

How to Teach with JSTOR Text Analyzer

JSTOR Text Analyzer provides students with an additional resource for finding scholarly material – Rachel Hermann – “Many first year undergraduates enter university not knowing how to manage their time. They have extra-curricular activities. Or jobs at the local grocery store. And then there are all those assignments—they always seems to be due at once! My… Continue Reading

Putting AI to the Test with Chatbot Track for Summer Associates

Xiumei Dong, Wilson Sonsini Putting AI to the Test with Chatbot Track for Summer Associates, LawTech News (June 6, 2019) – “As part of a new program, a group of summer associates at Wilson Sonsini is partnering with the firm’s senior attorneys and technical staff to create automated chatbots for clients to use.” Continue Reading

Chrome Extension to block search results from specific sites

“uBlacklist blocks specific sites from appearing in Google search results. This Chrome extension prevents blacklisted sites from appearing in Google search results. The same function is already provided by Personal Blocklist (by Google). However, sites blocked by Personal Blocklist appear in search results for a moment and then disappear, which annoys me. uBlacklist prevents blacklisted… Continue Reading