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Category Archives: Financial System

Breaking Up the Giants of Harm

Breaking Up the Giants of Harm. To protect democracy and have a resilient economy, we must tackle corporate power. Again. “Governments and economic regulators have, since the 1980s, turned a blind eye to a handful of giant companies steadily gaining chokeholds in global markets. Banking, agriculture, digital technology, publishing, music, pharmaceuticals and more are dominated by firms that have grown too big, and too powerful. Their rising power harms consumers, workers, small businesses – and democracy. This report argues that the main regulatory tools that are supposed to protect us against the dangers of extreme corporate power – antitrust or competition policy – have been substantially ‘captured’ by monopoly interests. As a result, forcing the break up of dominant firms has fallen out of favour. This report calls on political leaders and regulators to take the harms of big firms on democracy and society seriously, and revive dormant recourse of forced breakups. It shows why we must break up dominant firms, when to break them up (and when not to), and how to do it. There is new hope: breakups are quite possible, and regulators are at last waking up to this option – though not fast enough. Report by Nicholas Shaxson and Claire Godfrey for the Balanced Economy Project. With particular thanks to Laurel Kilgour. Additional thanks to: Ian Brown, Maria Luisa Stasi, Max von Thun, Michelle Meagher, Tommaso Valletti. All errors and omissions are ours.”

Warren Leads Senate Response to End of Chevron Doctrine

Truthout: “A group of senators led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) has introduced a bill to combat the Supreme Court’s seismic pro-corporate decision last month to overturn a precedent known as Chevron deference that has enabled federal agencies to issue regulations for decades. Ten senators joined Warren on Tuesday in introducing the bill that would… Continue Reading

Ryanair Wins Legal Case Against Booking.Com Over Screen Scraping & Reselling Tickets

Bloomberg via MSN: “Ryanair, a major player in European aviation, has won a case in the US court against, one of the world’s largest online travel agencies. The US court has ruled that the Dutch agency violated the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act by accessing the Ryanair website without permission. Court documents identified that… Continue Reading

Donald Trump wants to reinstate a spoils system in federal government by hiring political loyalists regardless of competence

Via LLRX – Donald Trump wants to reinstate a spoils system in federal government by hiring political loyalists regardless of competence – If elected to serve a second term, Donald Trump says he supports a spoils system, a plan that would give him the authority to fire as many as 50,000 civil servants and replace them… Continue Reading

US financial regulators, banks, industry groups remain cautious on Supreme Court’s “Chevron” deference ruling

Thomson Reuters: “The Supreme Court’s recent decision that overturns the decades-old “Chevron deference” doctrine will likely have an enormous impact on the financial industry, and only time will tell how it fully plays out US financial institutions, the regulators who oversee them, and the industry groups that advocate for them have largely maintained a curious… Continue Reading

How a little-known tool is sweeping the real estate industry by giving instant access to vast amounts of homebuyer data

The Record: “…Forewarn is primarily marketed to and used by the real estate industry, and it has been penetrating that market at a rapid clip. Although some real estate agents say the financial information it returns saves time when finding clients most likely to have the budget for the houses they’re looking at, most agents… Continue Reading

U.S. Treasury Shared Cloud Lexicon and Terminology

“The Shared Cloud Lexicon and Taxonomy (Lexicon) was created in response to the 2023 US Treasury cloud report, Adoption of Cloud Services in the Financial Sector. The Treasury report noted a lack of common definition for terms related to cloud services and technology, critical services, and terms associated with contract negotiation and service level agreements.… Continue Reading

Goldman Sachs: AI Is Overhyped, Wildly Expensive, and Unreliable

404 Media, July 14, 2024. Goldman Sachs: AI Is Overhyped, Wildly Expensive, and Unreliable. “Investment giant Goldman Sachs published a research paper about the economic viability of generative AI which notes that there is “little to show for” the huge amount of spending on generative AI infrastructure and questions “whether this large spend will ever… Continue Reading

AI In Finance and Banking – July 15, 2024

AI In Finance and Banking – July 15, 2024 – This semi-monthly column by Sabrina I. Pacifici highlights news, government documents, papers by NGO/IGO organizations and economists, speeches, and industry white papers on the subject of AI’s fast paced impact on the banking and finance sectors. The chronological links provided are to the primary sources,… Continue Reading

(Almost) 200 Years of News-Based Economic Sentiment

(Almost) 200 Years of News-Based Economic Sentiment Jules H. van Binsbergen, Svetlana Bryzgalova, Mayukh Mukhopadhyay & Varun Sharma – Working Paper 32026. DOI 10.3386/w32026  Issue Date January 2024. “Using text from 200 million pages of 13,000 US local newspapers and machine learning methods, we construct a 170-year-long measure of economic sentiment at the country and state… Continue Reading

Follow the Crypto

“The cryptocurrency industry has been throwing money into politics unlike ever before, and that’s even after political donations from the industry skyrocketed in the 2022 election cycle. Despite the relatively small size of the industry, it has become one of the biggest spenders in the upcoming elections in the United States. Cryptocurrency companies have raised… Continue Reading

Everyone Has A Price And Corporations Know Yours

The Lever – “Digital surveillance and customer isolation are locking us into a consumer hell of personalized prices.  Six years ago, I was at a conference at the University of Chicago, the intellectual heart of corporate-friendly capitalism, when my eyes found the cover of the Chicago Booth Review, the business school’s flagship publication. “Are You… Continue Reading