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Category Archives: Education

When scientific citations go rogue: Uncovering ‘sneaked references’

Via LLRX – When scientific citations go rogue: Uncovering ‘sneaked references’ – Reading and writing articles published in academic journals and presented at conferences is a central part of being a researcher. When researchers write a scholarly article, they must cite the work of peers to provide context, detail sources of inspiration and explain differences in approaches and results. A positive citation by other researchers is a key measure of visibility for a researcher’s own work. But what happens when this citation system is manipulated? A recent Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology article by Lonni Besançon and Guillaume Cabanac and their team of academic sleuths – which includes information scientists, a computer scientist and a mathematician – has revealed an insidious method to artificially inflate citation counts through metadata manipulations: sneaked references.

Woefully Insufficient Publisher Policies on Author AI Use Put Research Integrity at Risk

The Scholarly Kitchen: “There is broad consensus in scholarly publishing that AI tools will make the task of ensuring the integrity of the scientific record a Herculean task. However, it seems that many publishers are still struggling to figure out how to address the new issues and challenges that these AI tools present. Current publisher… Continue Reading

2024 State Scorecard on Women’s Health and Reproductive Care

The Commonwealth Fund: Our Scorecard ranks every state’s health care system based on how well it provides high-quality, accessible, and equitable health care. Read the report to see health care rankings by state. Scorecard Highlights: Massachusetts, Vermont, and Rhode Island top the rankings for the 2024 State Scorecard on Women’s Health and Reproductive Care, which… Continue Reading

New website devoted to preserving and presenting the history of the Court

How Appealing, Howard Bashman: “Chief Judge Michael A. Chagares of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit announced the launch today of a new website devoted to preserving and presenting the history of the Court.” So begins a news release that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit issued today.… Continue Reading

How good is your metadata?

Via Mastodon – Ludo Waltman@[email protected] Scientific Director and Professor of Quantitative Science Studies @cwts, @universiteitleiden; Open Science Ambassador @universiteitleiden; Co-chair @RoRInstitute; President @ASAPbio; Editor-in-Chief MetaROR (MetaResearch Open Review); Former Editor-in-Chief @QSS_ISSI University libraries now have easy access to the information they need to include openness of publication metadata in their negotiations with publishers. Try it… Continue Reading

HHS – Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth

“The Biden-Harris Administration’s Kids Online Health and Safety Task Force, co-led by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the U.S. Department of Commerce’s (DOC) National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA), released a new report today with recommendations and best practices for safer social… Continue Reading

Warren Leads Senate Response to End of Chevron Doctrine

Truthout: “A group of senators led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) has introduced a bill to combat the Supreme Court’s seismic pro-corporate decision last month to overturn a precedent known as Chevron deference that has enabled federal agencies to issue regulations for decades. Ten senators joined Warren on Tuesday in introducing the bill that would… Continue Reading

Academic authors ‘shocked’ after Taylor & Francis sells access to their research to Microsoft AI

The Bookseller: “Authors have expressed their shock after the news that academic publisher Taylor & Francis, which owns Routledge, had sold access to its authors’ research as part of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) partnership with Microsoft—a deal worth almost £8m ($10m) in its first year. The agreement with Microsoft was included in a trading update… Continue Reading

What the data says about immigrants in the U.S.

“The United States has long had more immigrants than any other country. In fact, the U.S. is home to one-fifth of the world’s international migrants. These immigrants have come from just about every country in the world. Pew Research Center regularly publishes research on U.S. immigrants. Based on this research, here are answers to some… Continue Reading

Voice-cloning technology brings key Supreme Court moment to ‘life’

AP: “Seventy years ago on Friday, no one outside of the U.S. Supreme Court building heard it when Chief Justice Earl Warren announced the historic Brown v. Board of Education decision on school desegregation. Now, through the use of an innovative voice-cloning technology, it is becoming possible for people to “hear” Warren read the decision… Continue Reading

AI terminology, explained for humans

The Verge: “Artificial intelligence is the hot new thing in tech — it feels like every company is talking about how it’s making strides by using or developing AI. But the field of AI is also so filled with jargon that it can be remarkably difficult to understand what’s actually happening with each new development.… Continue Reading