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Free AI service upscales grainy photos into digital delights

FastCompany: “I don’t know about you, but I’ve got tons of small-size, almost comically fuzzy old photos in my collection. And there’s not a heck of a lot the cutting-edge camera in my current phone can do to help ’em. So what if there were a super-simple tool for sprucing up older images and bringing ’em into reasonably modern resolutions—while also making ’em crisper, clearer, and generally just better all around? My fellow photo-finessing friend, have I got just the tool for you today. ’Twas a time when trying to take an image and make it both larger and higher in quality was a near-impossible feat. If you somehow managed to pull it off, it’d take tons of time and complex programs to master. Not anymore. An incredibly cool new tool called Upscale makes it easy as can be to—well, upscale any old photo you’ve got in front of you. You’ll only need about 10 seconds to do it…”

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