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Category Archives: PC Security

Federal Agencies Receive Failing Grades for Info Security

Rep. Adam Putnam, (R-Fla.) in conjunction with the House Government Reform Committee’s Subcommittee on Technology, Information Policy, Intergovernmental Relations and the Census, issued a comparison chart, using an A through F grading scheme, to evaluate government agency information security in 2002 and 2003. It should be noted that the governmentwide average rose from an F… Continue Reading

Advocacy Group Issues New Report on Spyware

From the Center on Democracy and Technology (CDT), a new report, Ghosts in Our Machines: Background and Policy Proposals on the “Spyware” Problem” offers a straight-forward review of how spyware programs operate, how to locate and disable them, and federal laws that in some measure address this technology, albeit with less than satisfactory results for… Continue Reading

Hearing on Computer Viruses

The House Energy and Commerce Committee Telecommunications and the Internet Subcommittee held a hearing on November 6 entitled, Computer Viruses: The Disease, the Detection, and the Prescription for Protection: Prepared testimony from – Richard D. Pethia, Director, CERT Coordination Center; Ken Silva, Vice President, VeriSign Inc.; John W. Thompson, Chairman & CEO, Symantec Corporation. Continue Reading

Microsoft Posts Bounty for Hackers

“Microsoft Corp. today announced the creation of the Anti-Virus Reward Program, initially funded with $5 million (U.S.), to help law enforcement agencies identify and bring to justice those who illegally release damaging worms, viruses and other types of malicious code on the Internet. Microsoft will provide the monetary rewards for information resulting in the arrest… Continue Reading

Report on Trusted Computing

The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s new report, Trusted Computing: Promise and Risk: “…a straightforward change to the plans of trusted computing vendors could leave the security benefits intact while ensuring that a PC owner’s will always trumps the wishes of those who’ve loaded software or data onto the PC. Continue Reading

What is Stealthware and How to Be Rid of It

From, this article has some useful information about malicious applications that can bypass your firewall and clutter your computer screen with unwanted ads and plug-ins. Suggested solutions include the use of programs, available in free and fee versions, that identify and delete stealthware (including Spybot Search & Destroy and Ad-aware 6). Continue Reading

Computer Security Groups Work to Stop Threat of Computer Worms

Sleuths Try to Stay Step Ahead of Online Worms. Computer security and antivirus companies around the world are working to stay one step ahead of viruses that are increasingly impacting corporations, government agencies and home users. These “virus sleuths” are also assisting the FBI to track down and minimize the damage from malicious worms such… Continue Reading