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Category Archives: PC Security

U. Maryland Launches New Site on Info Policy Issues

“The Center for Information Policy (CIP), University of Maryland, is a multidisciplinary research center that analyzes and provides solutions to current policy issues relating to the convergence of information and technology…Privacy, intellectual property and information security are just a few of the areas where CIP offers independent, unbiased quality analysis, advice and proposals for action.” Continue Reading

Consortium Offers Definition of Spyware

From yesterday’s FTC Spyware Workshop, the Consumer Software Working Group Examples of Unfair, Deceptive or Devious Practices Involving Software, “endorsed by a broad coalition of software companies, Internet service providers, anti-spyware technology vendors, and consumer groups convened by the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT).” For additional resources, see CDT’s Spyware page. See also Few… Continue Reading

My Passwords for a Chocolate…

The BBC reports that the results of recent surveys of London commuters, requesting their PC login passwords in exchange for chocolate, were that a majority of respondents provided them without hesitation. Must be really good chocolate! In addition, the survey established that pet names are all too often passwords of choice, and are also willingly… Continue Reading

Task Force Recommendations for Info Security

From the press release: “The Corporate Governance Task Force of the National Cyber Security Partnership (NCSP) today released a management framework and call to action to industry, non-profits and educational institutions, challenging them to integrate effective information security governance (ISG) programs into their corporate governance processes.” See the April 1, 2004 Task Force Report, Improving… Continue Reading