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Category Archives: Congress

Rebound in Confidence: American Democracy and the 2022 Midterm Elections

Bright Line Watch November 2022 surveys – “The November 2022 midterm elections narrowly returned the United States to divided government. From the perspective of American democracy, the most noteworthy result was the under performance of election denier candidates allied with former President Trump and their acceptance of the results (with only one prominent exception –… Continue Reading

CRS Video Seminars on Disruptive Technologies

CRS Seminars on Disruptive Technologies: Videos – Updated December 8, 2022: CRS Seminars on Disruptive Technologies: Videos – “New technologies, and those that represent an evolutionary improvement of an existing tool or process, that exhibit the potential to have large-scale effects on social and economic activity are often referred to as “disruptive” technologies. They can… Continue Reading

What Happened at FTX and What Does It Mean for Crypto?

CRS Insight – What Happened at FTX and What Does It Mean for Crypto? – Updated November 29, 2022: “On Friday, November 11, FTX Trading Ltd. (FTX)—one of the world’s largest and most well-known cryptocurrency exchanges—announced that it had “commenced voluntary proceedings under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code” in Delaware. Included in… Continue Reading

National Constitution Center Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

Amendments to the U.S. Constitution proposed at a convention of libertarian, progressive, and conservative professors and scholars on August 29 and 31, 2022: “When the National Constitution Center asked three teams to come up with constitutional amendments based on commonalities among our draft constitutions…The Progressive Team came to the convention with high hopes for some… Continue Reading

Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism – 2022

Strategic Intelligence Assessment and Data on Domestic Terrorism – 2022 – “As required by the National Defense Authorization Act, the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Director of National Intelligence, have produced this strategic intelligence assessment on domestic terrorism, which includes a discussion of activities, certain data on domestic terrorism matters,… Continue Reading

Redacted Documents Are Not as Secure as You Think

Wired: “Popular redaction tools don’t always work as promised, and new attacks can reveal hidden information, researchers say. For years, if you wanted to protect sensitive text in a document, you could grab a pair of scissors or a scalpel and cut out the information. If this didn’t work, a chunky black marker pen would… Continue Reading

Survey of State Marriage Laws Related to Same-Sex Marriage

CRS Legal Sidebar – Survey of State Marriage Laws, November 22, 2022: “In 2015, the Supreme Court held in Obergefell v. Hodges that same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry in all states and that states must accordingly recognize marriages validly performed out-of-state. Many states still have unenforceable constitutional amendments or state statutes… Continue Reading

Introducing Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra

Introducing Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra – “Sitting members of Congress aiding and abetting a plot to overthrow the government. Insurrectionists criminally charged with plotting to end American democracy for good. Justice Department prosecutors under crushing political pressure. Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra is the all-but-forgotten true story of good, old-fashioned American extremism getting supercharged by proximity… Continue Reading

Billionaires Provided 15 Percent of Funding for the Midterm

“In the 2022 midterms, the 100 largest donors collectively spent 60 percent more than every small donor in the United States combined, according to a Brennan Center analysis of publicly available data. (Small donors are those who give $200 or less.) The wealthy have always wielded disproportionate power over American government. In 1895, GOP strategist… Continue Reading

Private groups swaying SCOTUS litigation

Sen. Whitehouse and Rep. Johnson sent a letter to Chief Justice Roberts on September 7, 2022.”We write as Chairmen of the Senate and House Judiciary Federal Courts Subcommittees to request information regarding another allegation of potentially unethical conduct at the Supreme Court of the United States…“One of the nation’s most important institutions … has been… Continue Reading

Senators to FTC: Twitter’s willful disregard for the safety and security of its users

Six Senator’s wrote to FTC Chair Khan: “We write regarding Twitter’s serious, willful disregard for the safety and security of its users, and encourage the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to investigate any breach of Twitter’s consent decree or other violations of our consumer protection laws. In recent weeks, Twitter’s new Chief Executive Officer, Elon Musk,… Continue Reading

No, an indictment wouldn’t end Trump’s run for the presidency – he could even campaign or serve from a jail cell

Via LLRX – No, an indictment wouldn’t end Trump’s run for the presidency – he could even campaign or serve from a jail cell – Donald Trump announced his 2024 run for the presidency on Nov. 15. In his address he railed against what he perceived as the “persecution” of himself and his family, but made… Continue Reading