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Category Archives: Censorship

Administration Tightens Lid on Gov't Docs

This New York Times article documents the Bush administration’s successful efforts to prevent the public release of a range of government documents largely based on post 9/11 security concerns. Members of Congress have been fighting these efforts on several fronts, including protesting the removal of data from government agency websites for what has been interpreted… Continue Reading

Another Internet Libel Suit

From the High Court of Australia, to the Fourth Circuit, and now the Fifth Circuit, jurisdiction issues as they apply to Internet libel cases are in the spotlight. The Fifth Circuit, in Oliver “Buck” Revell v. Lidov and Columbia University, affirmed the United States District Court For the Northern District of Texas decision that Revell,… Continue Reading

Web Filters Block Health-Care Sites

The Kaiser Family Foundation issued a study, See No Evil: How Internet Filters Affect the Search for Online Health Information. The focus of the study was how the choice of the ‘least’, ‘intermediate’ or ‘most’ restrictive web filtering options available through six high profile systems (8e6, CyberPatrol, N2H2, Smartfilter, Symantec and Websense), impacted access to… Continue Reading

More On Internet Censorship In China

Jonathan Zittrain and Benjamin Edelman from the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School have published a new report on Web censorship: Empirical Analysis of Internet Filtering in China. From the abstract: “The authors are collecting data on the methods, scope, and depth of selective barriers to Internet access through Chinese networks.… Continue Reading

Disappearing Health Data From Gov't Websites

Data on health issues including abortions and contraception have been removed from government web sites, and complaints are escalating that such actions are motivated by the President’s political agenda. See my previous posting on this topic here, which includes references to Congressional concerns over this specific pattern of censoring health related data. Continue Reading