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Category Archives: Censorship

Court of Appeals Deals Another Blow to COPA

The Child Online Protection Act (COPA) was ruled unconstitutional for a second time by the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, in a decision ACLU v. John Ashcroft, no. 19-1324, filed March 6. The court stated that “…provisions of COPA are not narrowly tailored to achieve the Government’s compelling interest in protecting minors from harmful material… Continue Reading

Update on Supreme Court Library Net Filters Case

Below are links with details about Wednesday’s arguments by Solicitor General Theodore Olson and Paul Smith, for the American Library Association, in United States v. American Library Association, 02-361. Start here, with Shelf-Censorship, an opinion piece that includes useful links and an important perspective on the key issues of the case, and then move on… Continue Reading

Public Libraries and Internet Access

The Institute of Museum and Library Services commissioned a recently published study from the Information Institute at Florida State University, Public Libraries and the Internet 2002: Internet Connectivity and Networked Services, (PDF) to evaluate the extent of Internet connectivity in U.S. public libraries. The results, gleaned from 1,100 respondents, indicate that almost all public libraries… Continue Reading

Merits of PA Net Blocking Law Challenged

The Center for Democracy and Technology issued a press release and a report (PDF) contending that a recent Pennsylvania law (18 Pennsylvania Statutes Sec. 7330) requiring ISPs to remove or disable access to Internet pornography upon notification by the state Attorney General violates constitutional principles of due process. The law also results in the blocking… Continue Reading

Study Reveals New Consequences of Net Filtering

Web Sites Sharing IP Addresses: Prevalence and Significance, a study by Benjamin Edelman of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, establishes that “more than 87% of active domain names are found to share their web servers with one or more additional domains, and more than two third of active domain names share their web… Continue Reading

Censorship of U.S. Military Websites Escalates

U.S. military websites are subject to a new directive issued on January 3 by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, to remove sensitive, unclassified information published on the huge DOD web databases (comprising 770 gigabytes of total data), that could potentially be of assistance to the intelligence gathering efforts of our enemies. Continue Reading

Net Libel Cases

The current issue of the ABA Journal eReport has a noteworthy article, Where in the World Wide Web to Fight, that weighs in on the growing concerns about jurisdiction and Internet libel cases. See my posting on the recent Australian case and the two U.S. cases here. Continue Reading