“The Justice Department released a report on its critical incident review of the law enforcement response to the tragic school shooting at Robb Elementary School. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland announced the review shortly after the tragedy on May 24, 2022, in which 19 children and two teachers died at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. The report provides a thorough description of the critical incident review that has taken place over the past 20 months…The team collected and reviewed more than 14,000 pieces of data and documentation, including policies, training logs, body camera and CCTV video footage, audio recordings, photographs, personnel records, manuals and standard operating procedures, interview transcripts, investigative files and data, and other documents. The team also spent 54 days onsite in Uvalde and conducted over 260 interviews of individuals who either played a role or had important information related to areas of the review. Those interviews included personnel from the law enforcement agencies involved in the response to the mass shooting; other first responders and medical personnel; victims’ family members; victim services providers; communications professionals and public information officers; school personnel; elected and appointed government officials; survivors and other witnesses; and hospital staff.” Reading the report will disturb you, and reignite the anger we all felt as we learned that the law enforcement responders failed to act for 77 minutes while the shooter destroyed the heartbeat of a community.
- The report is delivered via its own website within the Office of Community Oriented Policing Services site. It is in English and Spanish and includes a library of resources that clearly document the standard operating training and procedure in a school shooting situation and the aftermath, and provides operational documentation for law enforcement that was clearly not followed in Uvalde.
- Washington Post – “The report, released yesterday, is not expected to lead to charges. It aimed to provide a full account of what happened and shape guidance for future shootings.” #GunViolence
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