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Daily Archives: January 22, 2025

Donald Trump’s No. 2 Pick for the EPA Represented Companies Accused of Pollution Harm

ProPublica: “The man tapped by President Donald Trump to be second-in-command of the federal agency that protects the public from environmental dangers is a lawyer who has represented companies accused of harming people and the environment through pollution. David Fotouhi, a partner in the global law firm Gibson Dunn, played a key part in rolling back climate regulations and water protections while serving as a lawyer in the Environmental Protection Agency during Trump’s first administration. Most recently, Fotouhi challenged the EPA’s recent ban of asbestos, which causes a deadly cancer called mesothelioma. In a brief filed in October on behalf of a group of car companies called the Alliance for Automotive Innovation, he argued that, for the specific uses that were banned, the “EPA failed to demonstrate that chrysotile asbestos presents an unreasonable risk of injury.” The EPA banned the carcinogen in March, long after its dangers first became widely known. More than 50 other countries have outlawed use of the mineral. The agency had worked toward the ban for decades, and workers died while lobbyists pushed to delay action, as a 2022 ProPublica investigation showed. Less than a day after Trump’s inauguration this week, the White House webpage that celebrated the historic ban was gone…”

Guidance on Presidential Memorandum Return to In-Person Work

OPM Memorandum, January 22, 2025 “…The President’s PM directs agency heads to “take all necessary steps to terminate remote work arrangements and require employees to return to work in-person at their respective duty stations on a full-time basis” “as soon as practicable.” It allows agency heads to “make exemptions they deem necessary” and directs that… Continue Reading

House G.O.P. Floats Medicaid Cuts and More to Finance Trump’s Huge Agenda

The New York Times: “President Trump wants a massive tax cut and immigration crackdown bill. Now Republicans must decide what to cut to help pay for it. Top Republicans are passing around an extensive menu of ideas to cover the cost of a massive tax cut and immigration crackdown bill. They could create a 10… Continue Reading

Initial Guidance Regarding DEIA Executive Orders

OPM Memorandum to Heads and Acting Heads of All Agencies, January 21, 2025. – Pursuant to its authority under 5 U.S.C. § 1103(a)(1) and (a)(5), the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (“OPM”) is providing the following initial guidance to agencies regarding the President’s executive orders titled Ending Radical and Wasteful Government DEI Programs and Preferencing… Continue Reading

LinkedIn accused of using private messages to train AI

BBC: “A US lawsuit filed on behalf of LinkedIn Premium users accuses the social media platform of sharing their private messages with other companies to train artificial intelligence (AI) models. It alleges that in August last year, the world’s largest professional social networking website “quietly” introduced a privacy setting, automatically opting users in to a… Continue Reading


“This website is the home of Web Curios, a blognewslettertypething which has existed in various forms in various places online since about 2010 (it also exists as a bot on Bluesky, for anyone who, inexplicably, doesn’t want to read 10k words about ‘stuff on the internet’ in one go each week). First published on the… Continue Reading

4 Cybersecurity Misconceptions to Leave Behind in 2025

The New Stack: “Most people know that cyberthreats lurk around every corner. Be it an opportunistic lone criminal or a hacker with the power of a nation-state behind them, it can feel like the world and its dog want to access your private data. Beyond this, though, how well do people grasp the threat? According… Continue Reading

Wikipedia:Database download

Wikipedia offers free copies of all available content to interested users. These databases can be used for mirroring, personal use, informal backups, offline use or database queries (such as for Wikipedia:Maintenance). All text content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 License (CC-BY-SA), and most is additionally licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License… Continue Reading