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Daily Archives: January 16, 2024

Big Tech Won’t Let You Leave. Here’s a Way Out

Wired [read free]: “The platform is the canonical form of internet business: a two-sided market that facilitates connections between end-users and business customers. Uber connects drivers with riders; Amazon and eBay connect sellers with buyers; TikTok and YouTube connect performers with audiences; social media connects people with something to say with people who want to hear it. And yet, lax competition law has allowed companies to consolidate, cornering their markets. Consolidated sectors, meanwhile, find it easy to sing with one voice, blocking the passage of unfavorable regulation (there’s still no US national privacy law) or its enforcement (the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation shows that Ireland is even more valuable as a lawless regulation haven than it ever was as a mere tax haven). Undisciplined by competition or regulation, platforms are free to slide into “enshittification,” in which the company extracts value from both sides of the two-sided market, relying on lock-in to keep users and business customers from defecting to a rival. The year 2023 was when the platforms soured: Twitch, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google Search, and Discord all spiraled into terminal enshittification, transferring value from users to shareholders, leaving behind shambling half-dead things that were disagreeable, but un-quittable. The secret to that un-quittability is high “switching costs”—the economists’ term for the things you have to give up to leave a service. You hate Facebook, but you love connecting with your communities, friends, and customers. They’re holding you hostage on Facebook’s behalf—and you’re holding them hostage, too. Facebook literally banks on these high switching costs: The US Federal Trade Commission’s antitrust case against Facebook revealed internal memos in which a product manager explicitly sets out to design features that “make switching costs very high for users” in order to make it “very tough for a user to switch” to a rival service.”

ChatGPT: Everything you need to know about the AI-powered chatbot

TechCrunch: “ChatGPT, OpenAI’s text-generating AI chatbot, has taken the world by storm. What started as a tool to hyper-charge productivity through writing essays and code with short text prompts has evolved into a behemoth used by more than 92% of Fortune 500 companies for more wide-ranging needs. And that growth has propelled OpenAI itself into… Continue Reading

Pro-China YouTube Network Used AI to Malign US Report Finds

The New York Times: [read free] “…Content from at least 30 channels in the network drew nearly 120 million views and 730,000 subscribers since last year, along with occasional ads from Western companies, the report found. Some of the videos featured titles and scripts that seemed to be direct translations of common Chinese phrases and… Continue Reading

Tips to help you look better in photos

Washington Post [read free]: “We spend our entire lives looking at our own faces. Cameras, meanwhile, have mere moments to capture them. And because cameras can’t “see” the world the way human eyes can, is it any surprise they can reproduce our image in ways that don’t always feel right? Photography has fueled our shared… Continue Reading

Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find

404 – “Google search really has been taken over by low-quality SEO spam, according to a new, year-long study by German researchers. The researchers, from Leipzig University, Bauhaus-University Weimar, and the Center for Scalable Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, set out to answer the question “Is Google Getting Worse?” by studying search results for 7,392… Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Issues in Science and Technology – Per Pete Weiss, they host a section on  AI and Machine Learning which now has several dozen articles.” Issues in Science and Technology is a quarterly journal published by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine and Arizona State University. The journal is a forum for discussion of… Continue Reading

A Respected MIT Professor Said Your Success Will Be Determined by 3 Things

Inc. Here’s how to get better at each one of them. “Before he died, beloved MIT professor Patrick Winston regularly gave a fascinating and deeply compelling lecture to university students about the value of good communication. In his introduction, he drew attention to the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which calls for court martial for… Continue Reading