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Daily Archives: November 9, 2023

Fakespot Chat, Mozilla’s first LLM, lets online shoppers research products via an AI chatbot

TechCrunch: “Earlier this year, Mozilla acquired Fakespot, a startup that leverages AI and machine learning to identify fake and deceptive product reviews. Now, Mozilla is launching its first LLM (large language model) with the arrival of Fakespot Chat, an AI agent that will help consumers as they shop online by answering questions about the product or even suggesting questions that could be useful in your product research. There’s some irony in using AI to combat the scourge of fake reviews, which are today also often crafted using AI technology, like GPT. As CBNC reported in April, a number of Amazon product reviews were transparently created via ChatGPT as they began with the phrase “As an AI language model,” which tends to be part of ChatGPT’s responses. In July, TripAdvisor told The Guardian it had already removed over 20,000 reviews it believed contained AI-generated text from across more than 15,000 properties in its system. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has also proposed a rule that would attempt to ban fake product reviews, warning that AI is making the problem even worse.  

But Fakespot has been using AI, including generative AI technologies, to make the online shopping process more trustworthy, not less. For instance, it launched a generative AI feature called Pros and Cons last year, that could replace the need for reading reviews by writing up its own summaries of a product’s positives and negatives. The feature was trained on billions of data points, with the model itself using five different models under its hood, the company said…”

This New Tool Aims to Keep Terrorism Content Off the Internet

Wired [free to read]: “Small platforms without resources to handle takedown requests have been weaponized by terrorist groups that share their content online. A free new tool is coming to help clean house… Terrorist groups have found a home on smaller, less well-known online platforms in recent years where they store, share, and link to… Continue Reading

Misinformation reloaded? Fears about the impact of generative AI on misinformation are overblown

Harvard Kennedy School Misinformation Review: “Many observers of the current explosion of generative AI worry about its impact on our information environment, with concerns being raised about the increased quantity, quality, and personalization of misinformation. We assess these arguments with evidence from communication studies, cognitive science, and political science. We argue that current concerns about… Continue Reading

Microsoft Outlook can be a pain. 8 ways to make email work for you.

Washington Post: “Do you struggle with using your Microsoft Outlook? You’re not alone. Despite its being one of the most widely used corporate email systems, many workers find it confusing and frustrating. Maybe you regularly miss important emails from your boss. Perhaps you’re inundated with meeting invitations at times you planned to focus. Or maybe… Continue Reading

Two million species are at risk of extinction

A multi-taxon analysis of European Red Lists reveals major threats to biodiversity, PLOS One, Published: November 8, 2023 “Biodiversity loss is a major global challenge and minimizing extinction rates is the goal of several multilateral environmental agreements. Policy decisions require comprehensive, spatially explicit information on species’ distributions and threats. We present an analysis of… Continue Reading

‘Heartbroken, Furious, and Angry’: Election Official sounds off on threats facing poll workers

MSNBC via YouTube: “Jocelyn Benson Michigan Secretary of State and Frank Figliuzzi, Former Assistant Director for Counterintelligence at the FBI, join Nicolle Wallace on Deadline White House to discuss news that envelopes containing fentanyl were sent to election officials in Fulton County and the heightened threat environment facing poll workers across the country.” Continue Reading

Supervision and Regulation Report

Federal Reserve Board, November 2023 – Preface – The Federal Reserve promotes the safety and soundness of individual financial institutions and monitors their impact on the financial system. It is responsible for supervising—monitoring, inspecting, and examining—certain financial institutions of varying size and complexity to ensure that they comply with rules and regulations, and that they… Continue Reading