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Monthly Archives: June 2023

Firm Investments in Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Changes in Workforce Composition

Firm Investments in Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Changes in Workforce Composition – NBER – preliminary draft 9/22/2022. We study the shifts in US firms’ workforce composition and organization associated with the use of AI technologies. To do so, we leverage a unique combination of worker résumé and job postings datasets to measure firm-level AI investments… Continue Reading

Free & Useful Artificial Intelligence Tools For The Classroom

Larry Ferlazzois teaches English, Social Studies and International Baccalaureate classes to English Language Learners and mainstream students at Luther Burbank High School in Sacramento, California. Recently on his blog he has been highlighting free sites and services  (many require registration) that are useful to educators as well as librarians. This week among the apps he… Continue Reading

Climate Policy Radar

Global Stocktake Explorer – “Analysing, organising, and democratising data about climate change policies and laws. Climate Policy Radar is a not-for-profit climate startup on a mission to organise, analyse and democratise data on climate law and policy using augmented intelligence – a human-centered partnership model of people and AI. We build open and free tools… Continue Reading

Privacy Tools Guide: Website for Encrypted Software & Apps

Privacy Tools Guide: Website for Encrypted Software & Apps – “Many of the activities we carry out on the internet leave a trail of data that can be used to track our behavior and access some personal information. Some of the activities that collect data include credit card transactions, GPS, phone records, browsing history, instant… Continue Reading

The GPTJudge: Justice in a Generative AI World

Grossman, Maura and Grimm, Paul and Brown, Dan and Xu, Molly, The GPTJudge: Justice in a Generative AI World (May 23, 2023). Duke Law & Technology Review, Vol. 23, No. 1, 2023, Available at SSRN: “Generative AI (“GenAI”) systems such as ChatGPT recently have developed to the point where they are capable of producing… Continue Reading

Drive Thru Data: Using NLM APIs to Access Information Fast

Drive Thru Data: Using NLM APIs to Access Information Fast, Recorded: June 13, 2023. 58 min. Speaker – Mike Davidson, Librarian, Office of Engagement and Training, National Library of Medicine (NLM) The NLM provides millions of people access to health information via its portfolio of products and services. But some people may need to access… Continue Reading

Canadian Wildland Fire Information System

“The Canadian Wildland Fire Information System monitors fire danger conditions and fire occurrence across Canada. Daily weather conditions are collected from across Canada and used to produce fire weather and fire behavior maps. In addition, satellites are used to detect fires, and reported fire locations are collected from fire management agencies. This site is divided… Continue Reading

CTwalk Map

“CTwalk Map is an interactive web tool developed as part of research conducted by Vasileios Milias during his doctoral studies at the Urban Analytics Lab within the Knowledge and Intelligence Design group at Delft University of Technology. The Urban Analytics Lab developed a set of human-centered metrics, indicators, and software tools to measure and evaluate… Continue Reading

Illinois first US state to prohibit banning books in public libraries

Quartz: “Illinois has become the first US state to prohibit banning books in public libraries. Governor J.B. Pritzker signed HB 2789 into law in a public library in Chicago, amid a dramatic nationwide increase in book bans. The governor, a Democrat, called them an affront to free speech. “Young people shouldn’t be kept from learning… Continue Reading

Surveillance and Digital Control at Work

Cracked Labs: “A research project on the datafication of work with a focus on Europe – Data collection is becoming ubiquitous, including at work. Systems that constantly record data about activities and behaviors in the workplace can quickly turn into devices for extensive monitoring and control, deeply affecting the rights and freedoms of employees. Opportunities… Continue Reading

State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report

Gallup State of the Global Workplace: 2023 Report – “This annual report represents the collective voice of the global employee. In this year’s report, we examine the global rise in employees who are thriving at work, even as worker stress remains at a record high. Although employee engagement is rising, the majority of the world’s… Continue Reading