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Monthly Archives: April 2023

Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community

ODNI, February 2023: Annual Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community: “During the coming year, the United States and its allies will confront a complex and pivotal international security environment dominated by two critical strategic challenges that intersect with each other and existing trends to intensify their national security implications. First, great powers, rising regional… Continue Reading

Gerald Ford tried to impeach a Supreme Court justice and failed

Washington Post: “A member of Congress called for the impeachment of a sitting Supreme Court justice, complaining that the justice had supported the idea that violence and rebellion against the government may be justified under some circumstances. The member noted that the code of ethics for federal judicial officers, which included the concept of recusal… Continue Reading

AI Now 2023 Landscape Report

AI Now Institute – Confronting Tech Power Report [103 pages PDF]: “This report highlights a set of approaches that, in concert, will collectively enable us to confront tech power. Some of these are bold policy reforms that underscore the need for bright-line rules and structural curbs. Others identify popular policy responses that, because they fail… Continue Reading

The Ruling That Threatens the Future of Libraries

The Atlantic – Knowledge is too precious to be abandoned to the whims of the profit motive. “By collecting and digitizing such a huge collection of works and lending them out online, the Internet Archive is making an incredible social contribution. The way the nonprofit manages that archive, however, has earned the wrath of book… Continue Reading

Smithsonian Puts 4.5 Million High-Res Images Online and Into the Public Domain Making Them Free to Use

Open Culture: “That vast repository of American history that is the Smithsonian Institution evolved from an organization founded in 1816 called the Columbian Institute for the Promotion of Arts and Sciences. Its mandate, the collection and dissemination of useful knowledge, now sounds very much of the nineteenth century — but then, so does its name.… Continue Reading

An Initial Scholarly AI Taxonomy

An Initial Scholarly AI Taxonomy – Adam Hyde, John Chodacki and Paul Shannon. April 11, 2023. “Scholarly AI Taxonomy – To kickstart discussions on AI’s potential impact on publishing workflows, we present our initial categorization of the “Scholarly AI Taxonomy.” This taxonomy outlines seven key roles that AI could potentially play in a scholarly… Continue Reading

The Potential to Democratize Legal Knowledge and Power

Pearce, Russell G. and Lochan, Hema, Legal Education and Technology: The Potential to Democratize Legal Knowledge and Power (March 13, 2023). Latin American Law Review n.º 10 (2023): 63-79, Fordham Law Legal Studies Research Paper No. 4387616, Available at SSRN: “The current technological transformation of legal education, including computer-based, interactive, and online modes of… Continue Reading

20 Percent of Americans Have Lost a Family Member to Gun Violence: Poll

Rolling Stone: “A majority of adults have personally experienced or have a family member who has experienced a gun-related incident. Gun violence is rampant in the United States, and a new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation sheds light on the toll the nation’s addiction to firearms is taking on American families. The poll found… Continue Reading

Now live for all: Substack Notes

“Today we’re launching Notes to everyone. Notes is a new space where you can publish short-form posts and share ideas with other writers and readers on Substack. Try Notes – Notes helps writers’ and creators’ work travel through the Substack network for new readers to discover. You can share links, images, quick thoughts, and snippets from Substack… Continue Reading