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Monthly Archives: September 2021

Rent Debt in America: Stabilizing Renters Is Key to Equitable Recovery

National Equity Atlas: “Our rent debt dashboard, produced in partnership with the Right to the City Alliance, equips policymakers and advocates with data on the extent and nature of rent debt in their communities to inform policies to eliminate debt and prevent the looming crisis of mass eviction. Mounting rent debt and the potential for mass… Continue Reading

9 advanced Zoom tricks to use now that you’re an old pro

Fast Company: “You’ve just wrapped up your ten-thousandth Zoom meeting to little fanfare. No balloons dropping from the ceiling. No confetti. No airhorns. No, nothing but the satisfaction of knowing that thanks to a global pandemic and recent advancements in video telephony, you are now officially a Zoom pro. And while we’ve already covered basic… Continue Reading

Rare first-edition copy of US Constitution could fetch $20 million

CNN: “An exceptionally rare first-edition printed copy of the US Constitution is going on sale in New York, with Sotheby’s auction house expecting bids up to $20 million. It is one of just 11 surviving copies — and the last in private hands — from the first printing of the document’s final text, produced for… Continue Reading

Harms of AI

NBER – Harms of AI, Daron Acemoglu, Working Paper 29247 DOI 10.3386/w29247 Issue Date September 2021. “This essay discusses several potential economic, political and social costs of the current path of AI technologies. I argue that if AI continues to be deployed along its current trajectory and remains unregulated, it may produce various social, economic… Continue Reading

The Book Biz Tries to Avoid Supply Chain Disruptions

Publisher’s Weekly: “A BISG webinar held in early July sought to draw attention to the growing challenges in the book industry’s supply chain. Panelists pointed to shortages of truck drivers and trailers, congestion at the ports, and escalating transportation costs as factors that, in the words of David Hetherington, Book International’s v-p of global business… Continue Reading

A web tool that converts PDF scientific papers into HTML

Boing Boing: “The folks at the Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence just released an intriguing tool — “Paper to HTML”, which lets you upload a scientific paper and it turns it into an HTML web page. The goal, as they wrote in their email, is to improve accessibility: Screen-readers and accessibility tech usually finds it a… Continue Reading

America’s new remote-work havens: 20 cities that pursue faraway jobs

LinkedIn: “Jess Lupo loves Orlando, and not just because of the warm, sunny climate. It’s her old college town, and that means lots of friends from her days at the University of Central Florida are nearby.The job scene, however, is a little trickier, especially for ambitious college graduates like her. Orlando’s biggest employer is Disney… Continue Reading