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Monthly Archives: July 2018

Pew – Audio and Podcasting Fact Sheet

Fact sheet was compiled by Research Associate Elisa Shearer: “The audio news sector in the United States is split by modes of delivery: traditional terrestrial (AM/FM) radio and digital formats such as online radio and podcasting. While terrestrial radio reaches almost the entire U.S. population and remains steady in its revenue, online radio and podcasting… Continue Reading

Coalition Calls for Urgent Investigation of Destruction of Records on Family Separation Crisis

“Open the Government, together with a coalition of organizations committed to government accountability, civil liberties, human rights, and civil rights, is calling on Congress to immediately investigate the administration’s records management practices relating to the “zero-tolerance” immigration enforcement policy and family reunification efforts. This policy has caused a major humanitarian crisis, and the administration has… Continue Reading

How Kavanaugh compares to other SCOTUS nominations close to elections

Axios: “How Kavanaugh compares to other SCOTUS nominations close to elections. President Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to fill the seat of Justice Anthony Kennedy comes just 120 days before the 2018 midterm election. The big picture: There have been five other cases since 1950 when seats have opened within 150 days of a midterm… Continue Reading

Doing User Research in the Courts on the Future of Access to Justice

Legal Design Lab: “Over the past quarter, the Stanford Legal Design Lab has established a regular on-site civic user testing group at the California courts. Through a policy lab class, Community-Led System Design Practice, our team of five students, teachers, and fellows has developed a user testing protocol for people working on justice innovation. It is particularly aimed… Continue Reading

Algorithms and Justice

The Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society examines the role of the state in the development and deployment of algorithmic technologies. Jul 11, 2018 I. Introduction Our work on “Algorithms and Justice,” as part of the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence Initiative, explores ways in which government institutions are increasingly using artificial intelligence, algorithms,… Continue Reading

The Violent Consequences of Trade-Induced Worker Displacement in Mexico

The Violent Consequences of Trade-Induced Worker Displacement in Mexico. Melissa Dell, Benjamin Feigenberg, Kensuke Teshima. Harvard University and NBER, University of Illinois at Chicago, ITAM. May 2018. “Mexican manufacturing job loss induced by competition with China increases cocaine trafficking and violence, particularly in municipalities with transnational criminal organizations. When it becomes more lucrative to traffic… Continue Reading

The Odd Paraphernalia of the NYPL’s Berg Collection

BookRiot: “On the third floor of the New York Public Library, off of a quiet, marble-tiled hallway, is the Berg Reading Room. Mary Catherine Kinniburgh is one of the literary-manuscript specialists in charge of the cache of artifacts, which includes a lock of Walt Whitman’s hair, Jack Kerouac’s boots and Virginia Woolf’s walking cane—all guarded… Continue Reading

Activism in the Social Media Age

Pew – As the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag turns 5 years old, a look at its evolution on Twitter and how Americans view social media’s impact on political and civic engagement: “This month marks the fifth anniversary of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, which was first coined following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of unarmed… Continue Reading

New project allows users to identify local media by ZIP code

Columbia Journalism Review: “…the Media Deserts Project [is] a research effort that is trying to map the ways in which many of America’s rural communities are indeed impoverished by the lack of fresh, daily local news and information. As daily newspapers cut and slashed personnel through the Great Recession (or closed completely), they also reduced… Continue Reading

Mueller asks court for 100 more blank subpoenas ahead of Manafort trial

The Hill: “Special counsel Robert Mueller is asking a federal court in Virginia for 100 blank subpoenas in the case against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort.  The request was made in a filing on Wednesday. The subpoenas would require their recipients to testify in the U.S. District Court in Alexandria on July 25, when… Continue Reading

80 percent of IT decision makers say outdated tech is holding them back

betanews: “A study by analysts Vanson Bourne for self service automation specialist SnapLogic looks at the data priorities and investment plans of IT decision makers, along with what’s holding them back from maximizing value. Among the findings are that 80 percent of those surveyed report that outdated technology holds their organization back from taking advantage of… Continue Reading