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Monthly Archives: June 2018

A kinder gentler TV program (via youtube) for kids, parents, and pets too

“Die Sendung mit der Maus (German link) is the oldest kids’ show on German TV – it first aired in 1971. Its main charm was its unhurried, affirming and positive approach to children’s stories and children’s questions. Despite multiple makeovers, the basic format remains the same: each episode has animated shorts (Lachgeschichten) and documentaries about… Continue Reading

The 100 Greatest YouTube Videos of All Time, Ranked

Warning – NSFW! Via Thrillist – “Like most unicorns, YouTube isn’t perfect. Its comment sections are famously noxious, its algorithms proliferate conspiracy theorists, its filters fail to protect kids’ feeds, and its ad-revenue-sharing model props up problematic vloggers. But it also has hydraulic press videos. And lo-fi hip-hop beats to study/relax to. And a dude… Continue Reading

UN Food and Agriculture Organization launches Open Access for all publications

“As of [June 18, 2018], FAO will implement an Open Access policy, enabling maximal reach and ease of use for FAO knowledge products. FAO has been disseminating knowledge since its foundation in 1945, and its publications have been freely accessible in the FAO online Document Repository since 1998. The new Open Access policy goes a… Continue Reading

Harvester of Facebook Data Wants Tighter Controls Over Privacy

Via WSJ [paywall] – Aleksandr Kogan, at a Senate hearing, calls for stronger check on obtaining users’ content – “An academic who was central to the misuse of Facebook Inc. data sought to turn the tables on internet companies by saying the government should step in to help prevent data-privacy scandals in the future. At a… Continue Reading

Summarizing the FY 2019 House Budget Resolution

Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, June 19 2018: “House Budget Committee Chairman Steve Womack (R-AR) released his Chairman’s Mark of the House FY 2019 budget resolution. The budget resolution calls for $8.1 trillion of deficit reduction (including rosy growth and other gimmicks), while including reconciliation instructions for committees to enact at least $302 billion… Continue Reading

Incarcerated Women and Girls 1990-2016

The Sentencing Project – Incarcerated Women and Girls, 1980-2016: “Over the past quarter century, there has been a profound change in the involvement of women within the criminal justice system. This is the result of more expansive law enforcement efforts, stiffer drug sentencing laws, and post-conviction barriers to reentry that uniquely affect women. The female… Continue Reading

Even soldiers who fight wars from a safe distance have found themselves traumatized. Could their injuries be moral ones?

The New York Times – The Wounds of the Drone Warrior – “…It has been almost 16 years since a missile fired from a drone struck a Toyota Land Cruiser in northwest Yemen, killing all six of its passengers and inaugurating a new era in American warfare. Today, targeted killings by drones have become the centerpiece… Continue Reading

Best Town For Hiking in Every State

“Hiking is one of just a few sports that doesn’t require a gym membership or a pile of expensive gear. That being said, one necessity for an exceptional hike is beautiful scenery. Traversing green forests and taking in breathtaking views along the way makes for an unparalleled experience, and each state has at least one… Continue Reading

Copenhagenize Index names 20 Most Bike-Friendly Cities on the Planet

Bike Friendly Cities Index 2018: “The Copenhagenize Index gives cities marks for their efforts towards reestablishing the bicycle as a feasible, accepted and practical form of transport. The interest in taking the bicycle seriously as transport once again continues unabated around the world. Every city used to be bicycle friendly before planners and engineers started… Continue Reading