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Monthly Archives: August 2017

Globe had 2nd warmest July and year to date on record

NOAA: Antarctic sea ice hits record low in July, and Arctic ice coverage remains small – “Earth’s warmest month is typically July, when the strong mid-summer sun heats up large Northern Hemisphere land masses and adjacent coastal areas. In fact, July 2017 was not only the warmest month of this year, but also the second warmest… Continue Reading

Highly ideological members of Congress have more Facebook followers than moderates do

Pew – “The most liberal and conservative members of the 115th Congress have attracted more Facebook followers than moderates, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis. In both legislative chambers, members’ ideology is a strong predictor of the number of people who follow them on Facebook. The most liberal and most conservative House members… Continue Reading

New on LLRX – Spotting Fake – Best Practices for Authenticating Trustworthy News Sources

Via lLRX – Spotting Fake – Best Practices for Authenticating Trustworthy News Sources – Genevieve Zook’s guide to fake news takes a multifaceted, long view of the history of spreading misinformation, through word of mouth to the acceleration of this activity through social media. Zook identifies examples in which fake news impacts different disciplines, diverse… Continue Reading

MIT Technology Review – 2017 Entrepreneurs | Innovators Under 35

“MIT Technology Review, as a rule, focuses on the technology first—the breakthrough, the surprise, the accidental discovery with the potential to upend the way we live. Our annual look at 35 outstanding innovators under 35 is a reminder that behind all those innovations are people with dreams, fears, and ambitions. Sometimes they hack away at… Continue Reading

Gartner Releases “Hype Cycle for the Digital Workplace, 2017”

“Digital business execution is requiring more frequent and complex decision making, continuous problem solving and rapid pattern recognition, all of which require workforce digital dexterity. In most organizations, however, responsibility for helping employees develop the desire and ability to exploit a wide range of transformative technologies — highlighted in the Gartner, Inc. Hype Cycle for… Continue Reading

What Science Tells Us About Good and Evil – Commentary with photographs

What Science Tells Us About Good and Evil by By Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, Photographs by Lynn Johnson, August 16, 2017. “The horrific footage of a car plowing into a crowd in Charlottesville, Virginia, this past weekend—a purposeful attack that killed one person and injured many others—has sparked a national conversation about the roots of evil. The… Continue Reading

Medium – The truth has got its boots on: what the evidence says about Mr. Damore’s Google memo

I’m saying, sir, that a lie can run round the world before the truth has got its boots on. — Terry Pratchett, The Truth The truth has got its boots on: what the evidence says about Mr. Damore’s Google memo by Erin Giglio, PhD student and MeFite at UT Austin working on singing mice (Scotinomys).… Continue Reading