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Monthly Archives: April 2017

Junk News and Bots during the French Presidential Election

Junk News and Bots during the French Presidential Election: What Are French Voters Sharing Over Twitter? COMPROP DATA MEMO 2017.3 / 22 April 2017 Philip N. Howard Computational propaganda distributes large amounts of misinformation about politics and public policy over social media platforms. The combination of automation and propaganda can significantly impact public opinion during… Continue Reading

Pew – Libraries and Learning

“Majorities of Americans think local libraries serve the educational needs of their communities and families pretty well and library users often outpace others in learning activities. But many do not know about key education services libraries provide. Most Americans believe libraries do a decent job of serving the education and learning needs of their communities… Continue Reading

How Does CBO Estimate the Effects of Proposed Legislation Affecting Immigration?

How Does CBO Estimate the Effects of Proposed Legislation Affecting Immigration? Posted by Sam Papenfuss on March 27, 2017 ‘When CBO’s Director testified at Congressional hearings at the beginning of February, he was asked some questions about how CBO analyzes potential changes to immigration policy. Because answers during Congressional hearings must be brief, this blog… Continue Reading

House Doc – Principles for Reforming the Military Selective Service Process

Principles for Reforming the Military Selective Service Process Pursuant to Public Law 114-328, SEC. 555(c)(1). House Document 115–27, April 3, 2017. Via FAS – Steven Aftergood: “The Nation must prepare to mitigate an unpredictable global security and national emergency environment,” the White House said in a report to Congress this month. The report, transmitted by… Continue Reading

Trump Sued for Revoking Protections for Wolves, Bears in Alaska

Lawsuit Is First to Challenge Constitutionality of Congressional Review Act – “In the first constitutional challenge of its kind, the Center for Biological Diversity today sued the Trump administration for repealing protections for wolves, bears and other wildlife on Alaska’s national wildlife refuges. President Trump signed legislation on April 3 — rushed through Congress under… Continue Reading

Arctic Ocean as a dead end for floating plastics in North Atlantic branch of Thermohaline Circulation

The Arctic Ocean as a dead end for floating plastics in the North Atlantic branch of the Thermohaline Circulation. Science Advances 19 Apr 2017: Vol. 3, no. 4, e1600582. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1600582 “The subtropical ocean gyres are recognized as great marine accummulation zones of floating plastic debris; however, the possibility of plastic accumulation at polar latitudes… Continue Reading

35 Years Of American Death and Patterns of Death in the South in Shadow of Slavery

FiveThirtyEight – 35 Years Of American Death Mortality rates for leading causes of death in every U.S. county from 1980 to 2014: “Researchers have long argued that where we live can help predict how we die. But how much our location affects our health is harder to say, because death certificates, the primary source for… Continue Reading

CJPP Launches Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder

“Criminal justice debt – the result of fees and fines in the criminal justice system – has serious consequences. The Criminal Justice Debt Reform Builder brings transparency to this area of significant legal complexity: it gives easier access to state laws that govern criminal justice debt and suggests policy solutions through the Criminal Justice Policy… Continue Reading

Paper – Notice and Takedown in Everyday Practice

Urban, Jennifer M. and Karaganis, Joe and Schofield, Brianna L., Notice and Takedown in Everyday Practice (March 22, 2017). UC Berkeley Public Law Research Paper No. 2755628. Available at SSRN: [via Mary Whisner] “It has been nearly twenty years since section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act established the so-called notice and takedown… Continue Reading