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Your Gmail and Instagram are training AI

Washington Post: “There’s little you can do about it. Some of the ways Big Tech companies are feeding your personal data to AI feels like a privacy violation — or even theft – It’s your Gmail. It’s also Google’s artificial intelligence factory. Unless you turn it off, Google uses your Gmail to train an AI to finish other people’s sentences. It does that by gobbling up your words so it can spot patterns in them. And if you use a new “experimental” Gmail function called Duet AI, Google uses what you type to make it a better writing coach, too. You can’t say no.  Your email is just the start. Meta, owner of Facebook, took a billion Instagram posts from public accounts to train an AI, and didn’t ask permission. Microsoft uses your chats with Bing to coach the AI bot to better answer questions, and you can’t stop it. Increasingly, tech companies are taking your conversations, photos and documents to teach their AI how to write, paint and pretend to be human. You might be accustomed to them using your data to target you with ads. But now they’re using it to create lucrative new technologies that could upend the economy — and make Big Tech even bigger…”

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