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Worldwide, news publishers face a “platform reset”

Nieman Lab: “News use across online platforms is fragmenting”: That’s one of the findings from Oxford’s Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ) in its 2024 Digital News Report, out Monday. As the use of Facebook for news declines, a number of other platforms — YouTube, TikTok, WhatsApp — are picking up the slack, “with six networks now reaching at least 10% of our respondents, compared with just two a decade ago.” RISJ has released a digital news report every year since 2012. This year it surveyed more than 90,000 people in 47 countries (new this year: Morocco) about their news consumption, via a YouGov survey. Below, Nieman Lab’s team breaks out a few of the main findings. And stay tuned because we’ll be running two more pieces by RISJ researchers over the coming week — one on how people are paying for news, and one on yet another pivot to video…”

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