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Thousands of Corporate Secrets Were Left Exposed. This Guy Found Them All

Wired – Security researcher Bill Demirkapi found more than 15,000 hardcoded secrets and 66,000 vulnerable websites—all by searching overlooked data sources [unpaywalled]: “If you know where to look, plenty of secrets can be found online. Since the fall of 2021, independent security researcher Bill Demirkapi has been building ways to tap into huge data sources, which are often overlooked by researchers, to find masses of security problems. This includes automatically finding developer secrets—such as passwords, API keys, and authentication tokens—that could give cybercriminals access to company systems and the ability to steal data. Today, at the Defcon security conference in Las Vegas, Demirkapi is unveiling the results of this work, detailing a massive trove of leaked secrets and wider website vulnerabilities. Among at least 15,000 developer secrets hard-coded into software, he found hundreds of username and password details linked to Nebraska’s Supreme Court and its IT systems; the details needed to access Stanford University’s Slack channels; and more than a thousand API keys belonging to OpenAI customers. A major smartphone manufacturer, customers of a fintech company, and a multibillion-dollar cybersecurity company are counted among the thousands of organizations that inadvertently exposed secrets. As part of his efforts to stem the tide, Demirkapi hacked together a way to automatically get the details revoked, making them useless to any hackers. In a second strand to the research, Demirkapi also scanned data sources to find 66,000 websites with dangling subdomain issues, making them vulnerable to various attacks including hijacking. Some of the world’s biggest websites, including a development domain owned by The New York Times, had the weaknesses. While the two security issues he looked into are well-known among researchers, Demirkapi says that turning to unconventional datasets, which are usually reserved for other purposes, allowed thousands of issues to be identified en masse and, if expanded, offers the potential to help protect the web at large. “The goal has been to find ways to discover trivial vulnerability classes at scale,” Demirkapi tells WIRED. “I think that there’s a gap for creative solutions.”

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