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The best online resources for cooking at all skill levels

Engadget: “You probably already know the benefits of cooking at home. It can help save you money, you can learn a new skill and it can often be healthier than eating out all the time. But regardless of if you enjoy being in the kitchen or don’t know where to start, we at Engadget know that advice can be easier said than done. After working all day, taking care of kids and pets and the like, it might feel like an insurmountable task to find a new recipe to cook for dinner. But there are so many online resources available now to home chefs that you can find something to fit all kinds of needs — be it a busy weeknight where you only have a few minutes to whip up a meal, or an evening where you’re feeling adventurous and want to try something new. Here, we’re gathered some of our favorite websites, YouTube channels and more that can help you on your culinary journey.”

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