Recent CRS Reports Focused on Disaster Related Issuesby Sabrina I. Pacifici on Sep 10, 2005 From Oil and Gas: Supply Issues After Katrina (6 pages, PDF) Hurricane Katrina: Fishing and Aquaculture Industries–Damage and Recovery (2 pages, PDF) New Orleans Levees and Floodwalls: Hurricane Damage Protection (6 pages, PDF) Price Increases in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina: Authority to Limit Price Gouging (6 pages, PDF) Disaster Evacuation and Displacement Policy: Issues for Congress (6 pages, PDF) Tax Deductions for Catastrophic Risk Insurance Reserves: Explanation and Economic Analysis (17 pages, PDF) CRS Issue Brief on Strategic Oil Reserve (19 pages, PDF) From Open CRS: Organization and Mission of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate: Issues and Options for the 109th Congress (68 pages, PDF) FacebookLinkedIn
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