Via GOVDOC-L – “Please see the following message from Emily Feltren, Director of Government Relations for AALL, and contact her if you have any examples to share.
“Hi Advocates—Last week, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee reported out the Federal Register Modernization Act (HR 4195). The bill, introduced the night before the mark up, changes the requirement to print the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations to “publish” them, eliminates the statutory requirement that the CFR be printed and bound, and eliminates the requirement to produce an index to the Federal Register and CFR. The Administrative Committee of the Federal Register governs how the FR and CFR are published and distributed to the public, and will continue to do so. While the entire bill is troubling, I most urgently need examples of why the Federal Register and CFR indexes are useful and how you use them. Stories in the next week would be of the most benefit, but later examples will help, too. I already have a few excellent examples from our Print Usage Resource Log – thanks to all of you who submitted entries! But the more cases I can point to, the better. Interestingly, the Office of the Federal Register itself touted the usefulness of its index when it announced the retooled index last year. Thanks in advance for your help! [Emily Feltren, Director of Government Relations, American Association of Law Libraries, 25 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Suite 500, Washington, D.C. 20001, 202/942-4233,]