“The Open Data Barometer takes a multidimensional look at the spread of Open Government Data (OGD) policy and practice across the world. Combining peer-reviewed expert survey data and secondary data sources, the Barometer explores countries readiness to secure benefits from open data, the publication of key datasets, and evidence of emerging impacts from OGD. The Open Data Barometer was conceived of as a companion study to the 2013 Web Index. The Web Index is a multidimensional measure of the Web’s use, utility and impact. The Barometer focuses in on the context, availability and emerging impacts of Open Government Data (OGD). The Barometer is designed to provide a clear and comparable analysis of the macro-level context for open data, the availability of open data, and emerging impacts of open data, across the world. It will support advocates, researchers and policy makers to better understand the development of open data globally, and will contribute to a growing evidence base on open government data.”