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Meme – Tim Walz Fixed Your Bicycle

Via Kottke – Tim Walz Fixed Your Bicycle – “Immediately after Tim Walz was announced as Kamala Harris’s VP pick, the memes started. Most zeroed in on Walz’s potent Midwestern dad energy; he’s the kind of guy who would help a neighbor fix a car, pick you up from the airport, or bring you some soup when you’re sick. For his supporters, Walz is bringing the same kind of energy and hope to the presidential race as Obama did in 2008 and Bernie Sanders did in 2016. And so of course someone made Tim Walz Fixed Your Bicycle; it’s a collection of things Walz would do for you because he’s just that kinda guy. Each time you refresh the page, you get a new saying; some of the other ones:

  • Tim Walz remembers where you parked your car.
  • Tim Walz has room for a little slice of pie.
  • Tim Walz is glad to give you a hand with your stroller down those stairs.
  • Tim Walz will teach you how to parallel park.

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