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In November 2024, everything is at stake

“The cornerstone of democracy rests on the foundation of an educated electorate. That’s a quote from Thomas Jefferson, and it’s super-relevant to our situation today. Our schools aren’t doing enough to create an educated electorate, and most of our journalists are doing a terrible job. This is terrifying, because the 2024 elections could be the last gasp for liberal democracy – and basic human rights including freedom of speech – in America. If you get your news from our major media organizations, you aren’t getting the full story on the danger. With this newsletter, Cornerstone, I hope to bring you news and commentary that will help you fully grasp the risks – and help you respond to them….A little about me: I spent almost 25 years as a journalist, including a stint covering regional and national politics. My primary focus for the 15 latter years of my journalism career was technology and tech policy. After leaving the media business, I taught at the Arizona State University’s Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication. You can find out more about me on my personal website. In recent years I’ve become more and more concerned about the direction of the United States. Today, I’m downright terrified – but also hopeful. Right-wing extremists have captured one of our two major political parties, a supermajority of the Supreme Court, and many state and local governments. If they and their presidential candidate, Donald Trump, win in the November elections, they will impose harshly authoritarian rule throughout the nation. eviscerate the personal liberties of people they don’t like. They will gut environmental protection and accelerate climate change beyond a hope of preventing global disaster. They will invite their most violent followers to attack anyone who dares challenge them. They see the finish line, to make this year’s elections the last ones that are even close to being free for decades to come. This isn’t speculation. The extremists who want to do all that have loudly proclaimed their intentions. This is an emergency. But our most important journalism organizations don’t see it that way. They are covering politics as they’ve always done, business as usual that amounts to malpractice.

This newsletter and site aim to showcase coverage that does it right – coverage that recognizes the emergency and works to save and enhance democracy. There’s quite a bit out there, even from Big Journalism at times! I’ll highlight, and aggregate, the best work, sending you to the sites – big and little – of the people who are on the case.”

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