Ford's Legacy Explored in Numerous Articles and Sites on Webby Sabrina I. Pacifici on Dec 27, 2006 To mention just a few, see the following: WSJ free feature: Ford Aides Shape Bush Tenure – “President Ford’s aides remain powerful figures in the Bush White House, and many have used their years in office to restore executive powers they felt were lost after Watergate.” Washington Post: Ford Disagreed With Bush About Invading Iraq, by Bob Woodward Remembering Gerald R. Ford, July 14, 1913 – December 26, 2006 NPR has extensive coverage with audio links to key Ford statements, interviews and press conferences. Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum The American Presidency Project, Public Papers of the Presidents – Search by Keyword and Year Timeline of President Ford’s Life and Career Note: Gerald R. Ford “…is the only American President to have served as a park ranger in the National Park Service.” [Link] FacebookLinkedIn
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