EFF – “The ongoing NSA leaks, Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and government declassification continue to bring vital information to the public about the the ongoing efforts of the NSA and its allies to spy on millions of innocent people. What started out as news detailing the agency’s collections of users’ calling records, phone calls, and emails now includes NSA’s attack on international encryption standards and breaking into the data center links of companies like Yahoo! and Google. The news reports will continue to come and are often grounded in documents like PowerPoint slides, pictures, and internal government reports. Because of the flood of information, we’ve decided to compile the documents in a chart that will serve as part of our NSA Spying resource. The chart attempts to compile all of the documents released by the newspapers and the government, with the exception of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court orders. It lists the date of publication, the original source and a short description of the contents. The key documents will also be toggled on our timeline of NSA spying. Our NSA Spying resource was created last year and is intended to serve as a comprehensive public resource. It links to EFF’s lawsuits challenging the spying, includes an understanding of the NSA’s domestic surveillance programs, provides an interactive timeline, and discusses word games the intelligence community uses. As EFF’s litigation and public advocacy continues, we will keep these pages updated and expand the information included. Our compilation will complement similar efforts by the ACLU and Cryptome.”
- See also New York Times – Officials say US may never know the extent of Snowden’s Leaks