Downing Street Memo Continues to Provoke Responses from Hill and Mediaby Sabrina I. Pacifici on Jun 19, 2005From the June 17, 2005 New York Times: Antiwar Group Says Leaked British Memo Shows Bush Misled Public on His War Plans The Secret Downing Street Memo published by the Sunday Times on May 15, 2005 Follow-up to Conyers’ “Downing Street Memo” Letter to President Bush, June 15, 2005 Additional Co-signers of Letter to President Bush, June 15, 2005 Conyers’ “Downing Street Memo” Letter to President Bush, May 5, 2005 List of Co-signers, May 5, 2005 British Documents: The Pentagon Papers of Our Time?: “The so-called Downing Street memos have been dismissed by some in the press as “old news,” but the same could be said of the Pentagon Papers when they were published.” Following please find links to the 6 referenced documents published by AP: FacebookLinkedIn
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