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Deloitte Survey: Two Out of Three Employees at Large Companies Looking for the Exit Sign

“Rising employee turnover intentions mirror employer concerns over retaining critical talent: A stronger economy may actually be fueling a growing concern among employers about retaining top talent, according to the results of a new Deloitte study. With the economy improving, nearly two out of three (65 percent) employees surveyed are actively testing the job market, according to the Deloitte study, Talent Edge 2020: Building the Recovery Together—What Talent Expects and How Leaders Are Responding. Despite the sobering news, dissatisfied employees are transparent about their leading turnover drivers, providing executives and talent managers with a clear picture of the most effective employee retention strategies. When asked to list their top three retention incentives, 53 percent of the respondents ranked promotion/job advancement first, followed by increased compensation at 39 percent, and additional bonuses or other financial incentives at 34 percent. Boosting employee support/recognition from their managers, a non-financial incentive, was also ranked as an effective retention tactic by a strong 30 percent of the surveyed employees.”

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