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Collecting federal .gov databases

“Please help us by submitting the agency name and url of your favorite agency’s queryable database. We will attempt to harvest that information for the 2024 crawl. We appreciate your time in assisting us in collecting those .gov databases. Please feel free to forward this email to other interested people/communities/lists. For questions, please email me at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> and/or [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]>. Thank you for your time and energy toward this important preservation effort! James Jacobs — James R. Jacobs, US Government Information Librarian.

“As you all know, the End of Term Crawl project is currently working on our 2024 crawl. We have asked for people to nominate urls of those federal web pages you want to be sure are harvested and preserved (the nomination form is available from our website). We’re seeking some other assistance from the govinfo librarian community. We would like to harvest .gov information, publications, and data that are hidden behind search/query boxes in databases across the federal .gov/.mil domain. Crawlers have a hard time accessing publications, data, and other information that is trapped behind a search box and/or search query. An example is the eLibrary of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) which has thousands of dockets, reports, cases, opinions etc that are only available via search query. We have created a google form to help us collect those databases.”

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