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Climate and health data website launched

“A new website of data resources, tools, and training materials that can aid researchers in studying the consequences of climate change on the health of communities nationwide is now available. At the end of July, NIEHS launched the Climate and Health Outcomes Research Data Systems (CHORDS) website, which includes a catalog of environmental and health outcomes data from various government and nongovernmental agencies.The website, its catalog of publicly available datasets, and the CHORDS project are part of the NIH Climate Change and Health Initiative. “This project is fundamentally a way for this institute and others to come together to empower the use of environmental determinants of health,” says Aubrey Miller, M.D., deputy director of scientific coordination at NIEHS. “We’re seeing climate change and health disasters around the country increasing in frequency and severity, so the need is greater than ever.”The resource is one of a few planned as part of a three-year, $4 million project funded in 2023 by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Trust Fund. NIEHS competed with other agencies for the funding to build up data systems that will improve patient or population health. The website, and its catalog of publicly available datasets, and the CHORDS project are part of the NIH Climate Change and Health Initiative (CCHI), an effort focused on addressing the health effects associated with a warming planet.

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