HuffPo: “Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been prohibited from co-authoring publications with World Health Organization staff, dealing a blow to global research efforts and continuing the Trump administration’s aggressive attack on government-funded science. “CDC staff should not be co-authors on manuscripts/abstracts with WHO staff,” an interim guidance document dated Thursday and obtained by HuffPost says, adding that CDC staff should also not author publications related to work “funded by WHO.” Depending on whether CDC staff are the lead authors of a given publication affected by the guidance, they are instructed to either pause all action on the publication or recuse themselves as authors if they cannot pause the publication process. The guidance also says that manuscripts that do not comply with Trump’s executive orders and that were submitted prior to Jan. 20 — the date of Trump’s inauguration, and when he moved to withdraw the United States from the WHO — should be withdrawn, or CDC staff should recuse themselves as authors. “To not only stop all future work but also make people remove their names from papers already in production is full-on Orwellian,” one person familiar with the document told HuffPost. “It’s also not even just for work that WHO funds. If anyone in the list of 20 authors on a paper is WHO-affiliated, you have to get out.” The interim guidance document was shared with staff Thursday in the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, or NCIRD, and specifically its Influenza Division — but it was worded broadly, referring to CDC staff in general in its body text. It’s not clear how many other CDC divisions received the memo…”
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