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New GAO Reports –

CHEMICAL REGULATION Observations on the Toxic Substances Control Act and EPA Implementation, GAO-13-696T, Jun 13, 2013 EXPORT-IMPORT BANK Recent Growth Underscores Need for Improved Risk Management and Reporting, GAO-13-703T, Jun 13, 2013 FEDERAL JUDICIARY Efforts to Consolidate and Share Services between District and Bankruptcy Clerks’ Offices  GAO-13-531, Jun 13, 2013 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS Causes and Consequences of Recent Community Bank Failures, GAO-13-704T, Jun 13,… Continue Reading

EPA Survey Shows $384 Billion Needed for Drinking Water Infrastructure by 2030

News release: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released results of a survey showing that $384 billion in improvements are needed for the nation’s drinking water infrastructure through 2030 for systems to continue providing safe drinking water to 297 million Americans. EPA’s fifth Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment identifies investments needed over… Continue Reading

EPIC – Congress Begins Investigation of NSA Domestic Surveillance Program

EPIC: “Following the revelation of that the National Security Agency is monitoring domestic communications, members of Congress are initiating new oversight proceedings. The Senate Intelligence Committee will review the program’s legal authority. Members of the House Judiciary Committee wrote to President Obama, saying, “We believe this type of program is far too broad and inconsistent… Continue Reading

Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

UN Human Rights Council, June 4, 2013: “The conflict in Syria has reached new levels of brutality. This report documents for the first time the systematic imposition of sieges, the use of chemical agents and forcible displacement. War crimes, crimes against humanity and gross human rights violations continue apace. Referral to justice remains paramount. This… Continue Reading

CDC – Bloodstream infections in ICUs cut by more than 40% in study of over 74,000 patients

News release: “Using germ-killing soap and ointment on all intensive-care unit (ICU) patients can reduce bloodstream infections by up to 44 percent and significantly reduce the presence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in ICUs. A new Department of Health and Human Services-funded study released May 29, 2013 tested three MRSA prevention strategies and found that… Continue Reading

The Ethics of Twitter Research: A Topology of Disciplines, Methods and Ethics Review Boards

Michael Zimmer, PhD: “In the five years since its launch, the social networking and microblogging service Twitter has quickly grown to over 300 million users, generating over 300 millions tweets each day. By providing a simple platform for users to explain “what’s happening” in 140 characters or less, Twitter has become the Internet’s de facto… Continue Reading

NBER Study – Were They Prepared for Retirement?

Were They Prepared for Retirement? Financial Status at Advanced Ages in the HRS and AHEAD Cohorts. James M. Poterba, Steven F. Venti, David A. Wise. NBER Working Paper No. 17824, Issued in February 2012 “Many analysts have considered whether households approaching retirement age have accumulated enough assets to be well prepared for retirement. In this… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Beige Book – July 18, 2012

Federal Reserve Beige Book – July 18, 2012 “Reports from most of the twelve Federal Reserve Districts indicated that overall economic activity continued to expand at a modest to moderate pace in June and early July. The Atlanta, St. Louis, and San Francisco Districts reported modest growth, while Boston, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City, and Dallas… Continue Reading

Federal Reserve Beige Book, June 6, 2012

Current Economic Conditions By Federal Reserve District, May 2012: “Reports from the twelve Federal Reserve Districts suggest overall economic activity expanded at a moderate pace during the reporting period from early April to late May. Activity in the New York, Cleveland, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco Districts was characterized as growing at… Continue Reading

European Association of CCP Clearing Houses Paper on Best Practices for CCP Stress Testing

EACH Paper on best Practices for CCP Stress Testing, November 1, 2011 “The main aim of this paper is to make the appropriate distinction between stress testing performed by CCPs [European central counterparty clearing houses] and those by banking institutions. In addition to this, the paper attempts to provide a compilation of existing best practices… Continue Reading

Divided We Stand Why Inequality Keeps Rising

Divided We Stand – Why Inequality Keeps Rising, OECD, December 5, 2011. “In the three decades to the recent economic downturn, wage gaps widened and household income inequality increased in a large majority of OECD countries. This occurred even when countries were going through a period of sustained economic and employment growth. This report analyses… Continue Reading