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Category Archives: Privacy

The ‘Brussels Effect’ of the EU’s ‘AI Act’ on Data Privacy Outside Europe

Greenleaf, Graham, The ‘Brussels Effect’ of the EU’s ‘AI Act’ on Data Privacy Outside Europe (June 7, 2021). (2021) 171 Privacy Laws & Business International Report 1, 3-7, UNSW Law Research, Available at SSRN: “The European Commission’s publication of a proposal for a Regulation on Artificial Intelligence (also described as an ‘AI Act’) is… Continue Reading

The true cost of Amazon’s low prices

Vox/Recode: “On the heels of yet another year of record sales, Amazon is dealing with a couple of unwelcome updates in the new year. The Senate Judiciary Committee has announced it will soon be marking up the American Innovation and Choice Online Act, an antitrust bill targeting Amazon and other Big Tech companies. This follows… Continue Reading

Law Enforcement and Technology: Using Social Media

CRS Report – Law Enforcement and Technology: Using Social Media, January 11, 2022: “As the ways in which individuals interact continue to evolve, social media has had an increasing role in facilitating communication and the sharing of content online—including moderated and unmoderated, user-generated content. Over 70% of U.S. adults are estimated to have used social… Continue Reading

5 free privacy tools for protecting your personal data

PC World: “Ideally, protecting your privacy shouldn’t require hours of time or gobs of money. Instead of having to meticulously manage all the personal data that’s floating around on the internet, you should be able to minimize data collection automatically or proactively. If you value privacy like I do, you’ll want to check out the… Continue Reading

US government urges organizations to prepare for Russian-sponsored cyber threats

Tech Republic: “Cyberattacks sponsored by hostile nation-states are always a major concern, for governments and organizations. Using advanced and sophisticated tactics, these types of attacks can inflict serious and widespread damage, as we’ve already seen in such incidents as the SolarWinds exploit. As such, organizations need to be vigilant for such attacks and make sure… Continue Reading

What Personality Are You? How the Myers-Briggs Test Took over the World

The Guardian: “I am a born executive. I am obsessed with efficiency and detached from my emotions. I share similarities with Margaret Thatcher and Harrison Ford. I am among 2% of the general population, and 1% of women. People like us are highly motivated by personal growth, and occasionally ruthless in the pursuit. We make… Continue Reading

Legal Matters: The Legal Context of Health Informatics in Global Pandemics

Kaplan, Bonnie, Legal Matters: The Legal Context of Health Informatics in Global Pandemics (November 12, 2021). Kaplan, B. Legal Matters: The Legal Context of Health Informatics in Global Pandemics, Context Sensitive Health Informatics: The Role of Informatics in Global Pandemics, eds. R Marcilly, L Dusseljee-Peute, CE Kuziemsky, X Zhu, P Elkin, Am- sterdam: IOS Press,… Continue Reading

Mozilla launches Facebook Pixel Hunt

“In a collaboration between journalists at The Markup and Mozilla researchers, this study seeks to map Facebook’s pixel tracking network and understand the kinds of information it collects on sites across the web. The Markup will use the data collected in this study to create investigative journalism around the kinds of information Facebook collects about… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, January 9, 2022

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, January 9, 2022 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

Privacy myths busted: Protecting your mobile privacy is even harder than you think

CNET – “With increasingly invasive digital surveillance from advertisers and law enforcement over the past few years, securing your mobile phone from privacy threats in 2022 should be a key resolution. But don’t stop short. Changing a few settings in your phone and apps isn’t enough. To get the most privacy, the key ingredient to… Continue Reading

How to Opt Out of Verizon’s Custom Experience Tracking

Wired: “Verizon users are now automatically enrolled in a data collection program tracking information like websites visited  and mobile app usage. Recently reported on by Input, the telecommunications company runs a two-tiered tracking program and automatically enrolls every customer in the first tier. The Verizon Custom Experience and Custom Experience Plus programs are a rebranding… Continue Reading