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Category Archives: Privacy

Abortion bans are impeding access to ulcer, arthritis, and cancer medications

Popular Science – “Methotrexate was introduced in the 1940s as a chemotherapy agent. Misoprostol was developed in the 1970s to treat stomach ulcers. On July 13, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) notified pharmacies that refusing to fill prescriptions for medicines containing ingredients that can induce abortion or prevent pregnancy could be… Continue Reading

These Companies Know When You’re Pregnant—And They’re Not Keeping It Secret

Gizmodo identified 32 brokers selling data on 2.9 billion profiles of U.S. residents pegged as “actively pregnant” or “shopping for maternity products.” “A Gizmodo investigation into some of the nation’s biggest data brokers found more than two dozen promoting access to datasets containing digital information on millions of pregnant and potentially pregnant people across the… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, July 30, 2022

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, July 30, 2022 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the… Continue Reading

Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act Scorecard 2022

The FITARA 14 Scorecard was released on July 28, 2022 – This “scorecard grades federal agencies based on their performance of FITARA-related reform and improvement activities and serves as a tool for Congress, chief information officers, agency heads, and outside stakeholders to better understand how agencies across the government are managing and securing their information… Continue Reading

Artificial Intelligence Accountability of Public Administration

Bignami, Francesca, Artificial Intelligence Accountability of Public Administration (June 1, 2022). The American Journal of Comparative Law,, GWU Legal Studies Research Paper No. 2022-37, GWU Law School Public Law Research Paper No. 2022-37, Available at SSRN: “This article canvasses the use and regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) in US administrative agencies. It is… Continue Reading

New LibGuide tracks response to the Roe v. Wade Dobbs v. Jackson decision

“I’ve created a new LibGuide to compile federal statements/actions to track the response to the Roe v. Wade/Dobbs v. Jackson decision. I’m being a bit more selective with this guide than some earlier guides, but please feel free to suggest resources I may have omitted or missed.” [Kelly L. Smith, Government Information Librarian, Librarian for… Continue Reading

A major publishing lawsuit would cement surveillance into the future of libraries

Fast Company – The suit would erode the public’s last great venue for information free from corporate or government surveillance: “…Today, libraries generally are blocked from purchasing and owning digital books—and readers are in a similar boat. Instead, publishers offer only high-cost licenses for which libraries rely on emergency funds and may only be able… Continue Reading

The Default Tech Settings You Should Turn Off Right Away

The New York Times – “These controls, which are buried inside products from Apple, Google, Meta and others, make us share more data than we need to…Apple, Google, Amazon, Meta and Microsoft generally want us to leave some default settings on, purportedly to train their algorithms and catch bugs, which then make their products easier… Continue Reading

Google Maps rolls out location sharing notifications, immersive views and better bike navigation

TechCrunch: “Google — facing increasing competition from other apps like Instagram and TikTok when it comes to consumers searching for things — wants to be the first place people go for discovery and planning pastimes. In aid of that, today the company announced three new features for its star navigation app, Google Maps: aerial and… Continue Reading