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Category Archives: Privacy

The best free software for your PC

PC Mag: “The best free PC software programs aren’t about the cost (or lack thereof), they’re about a fresh opportunity—collections of code that put the dumb hardware in your computer to smart use, tools that can accomplish anything from balancing your household budget to helping cure cancer. Stocking your PC is an intensely personal task.… Continue Reading

Mass Hysteria Over Drones Flying in the Night Sky? It Didn’t Have to Be This Way

EPIC: “Recent nighttime drone sightings in New Jersey and other places have gained national attention because of the mystery that surrounds the drones—Who is flying them? What are the drones doing? Why are the drones appearing now? Numerous theories popped up to fill the void left by the lack of information—from alien invasion to foreign… Continue Reading

Cover Your Tracks

EFF – “Cover Your Tracks is two things: a tool for users to understand how unique and identifiable their browser makes them online, and a research project to uncover the tools and techniques of online trackers and test the efficacy of privacy add-ons. Cover Your Tracks researches both how unique your browser is and how… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 21, 2024

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, December 21, 2024 – Privacy and cybersecurity issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, finance, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly complex… Continue Reading

The Breachies 2024: The Worst, Weirdest, Most Impactful Data Breaches of the Year

EFF: “Every year, countless emails hit our inboxes telling us that our personal information was accessed, shared, or stolen in a data breach. In many cases, there is little we can do. Most of us can assume that at least our phone numbers, emails, addresses, credit card numbers, and social security numbers are all available… Continue Reading

Feds Warn SMS Authentication Is Unsafe After ‘Worst Hack in Our Nation’s History’

Gizmodo: “Do you use text messages for multi-factor authentication? You should probably switch to a different method, especially with everything we’re learning about a recent hack that’s been dubbed the “worst in our nation’s history.” Even the federal government is putting out warnings now, including a call for government officials to only use encrypted apps… Continue Reading

If You’re Pregnant, Here’s What You Should Know About the Medical Procedures That Could Save Your Life

ProPublica: “We heard the same story again and again this year: The women were having miscarriages. They were bleeding and in pain. They needed a medical procedure to clear their uterus, but their doctors delayed it or didn’t even counsel them about it. Our yearlong investigation found that abortion laws are affecting how physicians treat… Continue Reading

Traffic Cam Photobooth

“Traffic Cam Photobooth is a website that allows anybody to locate their nearest publicly available traffic camera and use it to take pictures of themselves. While these cameras are ostensibly intended for traffic, they also serve to acclimate us to the idea that constant monitoring is an everyday part life in the city. No matter… Continue Reading