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Category Archives: Privacy

Court Says Google Translate Isn’t Reliable Enough To Determine Consent For A Search

TechDirt: “The quickest way to a warrantless search is obtaining consent. But consent obtained by officers isn’t always consent, no matter how it’s portrayed in police reports and court testimony. Courts have sometimes pointed this out, stripping away ill-gotten search gains when consent turned out to be [extremely air quotation marks] “consent.” Such is the… Continue Reading

Hacks and data breaches are all too common. Here’s what to do if you’re affected.

Washington Post: “An unexplained Amazon charge on your credit card bill. An email asking you to confirm a password change request. A moment of confusion when your usual Google log-in details don’t work. These are all-too-common signs that someone has gained — or is trying to gain — access to your accounts. Hacks and data… Continue Reading

Government Secretly Orders Google To Identify Anyone Who Searched A Sexual Assault Victim’s Name, Address And Telephone Number

Forbes: “The U.S. government is secretly ordering Google to provide data on anyone typing in certain search terms, an accidentally unsealed court document shows. There are fears such “keyword warrants” threaten to implicate innocent Web users in serious crimes and are more common than previously thought…It’s a rare example of a so-called keyword warrant and,… Continue Reading

You’ve decided to quit Facebook. Here’s how to migrate your online life elsewhere

Washington Post: ‘Every time there’s a Facebook scandal, you may have thought about quitting the social network, and this time for real. But you run into the same problem every time: Where exactly should you go? After a rough month of revelations about Facebook’s business practices, culminating with a whistleblower testifying in front of lawmakers… Continue Reading

Delete yourself from the internet

CNET – “6 ways to get off the grid….If you’re reading this, it’s highly likely your personal information is available to the public. And by “public” I mean everyone everywhere. So, how can deleting yourself from the internet stop companies from getting ahold of your info? Short answer: It can’t. Unfortunately, you can never completely… Continue Reading

Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 10, 2021

Via LLRX – Pete Recommends – Weekly highlights on cyber security issues, October 10, 2021: Privacy and security issues impact every aspect of our lives – home, work, travel, education, health and medical records – to name but a few. On a weekly basis Pete Weiss highlights articles and information that focus on the increasingly… Continue Reading

The Right to be Forgotten’ and its Unintended Consequences to Intelligence Gathering

Goldfield, Charlene, ‘The Right to be Forgotten’ and its Unintended Consequences to Intelligence Gathering (July 1, 2020). Volume 32, Issue 2, Winter 2020 , Available at SSRN: “Social media has dramatically changed how we interact and communicate with one another. The reliance on social media has also sparked many international debates revolving around privacy.… Continue Reading

One Law to Rule Them All? The Reach of EU Data Protection Law after the Google v CNIL Case

Bougiakiotis, Emmanouil, One Law to Rule Them All? The Reach of EU Data Protection Law after the Google v CNIL Case (August 17, 2020). (2021) 42 Computer Law and Security Review 105580, Available at SSRN: “Ever since the Internet came about, it has set a vast number of challenges regarding how to tackle some… Continue Reading

Face Recognition Technology: Commonly Used Terms

EFF: “As face recognition technology evolves at a dizzying speed, new uses and terminologies seem to develop daily. On this page, we attempt to define and disambiguate some of the most commonly used terms.  For more information on government use of face recognition and how to end it in your community, visit EFF’s About Face… Continue Reading

New on LLRX September 2021

2021 Guide to Internet Privacy Resources and Tools – by Marcus Zillman How Can We Help To Free Legal Research From Algorithmic Bias? – by Stephanie Farne The legal regulation revolution – by Jason Furlong 4 strategies for energy and climate change breakthroughs at the UN summits – by Morgan Bazilian and Dolf Gielen Evidence… Continue Reading

The Right to be Forgotten and its Unintended Consequences to Intelligence Gathering

Goldfield, Charlene, ‘The Right to be Forgotten’ and its Unintended Consequences to Intelligence Gathering (July 1, 2020). Volume 32, Issue 2, Winter 2020 , Available at SSRN: “Social media has dramatically changed how we interact and communicate with one another. The reliance on social media has also sparked many international debates revolving around privacy.… Continue Reading