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Category Archives: PC Security

Update on Impact of Super DMCA Legislation

Resources and news of note on Super DMCA legislation (“to combat broadband and communications piracy”) that is proliferating at the state level, driven in large measure by relentless lobbying on the part of the Motion Picture Assocation of America (MPAA), and which, for the most part, is based on the organization’s proposed model legislation. The… Continue Reading

Key Logging Programs v. Anti-Key Logging Programs

Key logging software has been around for quite awhile. Companies use it to ‘virtually’ stand over the shoulders of employees and read every letter typed on their keyboards. But this software is also used by hackers to commit identity theft, as was the case with nefarious installations on the computer systems of major universities throughout… Continue Reading

The National Strategy to Secure CyberSpace, For Comment Draft 2002, September 18, 2002.

From the White House, this 65 page PDF draft report is divided into 5 content areas: Home User and Small Business; Large Enterprises; Critical Sectors (federal government, state and local government, higher education and private sector); National Priorities; and Global. Public comments on the Draft Strategy to Secure Cyberspace will be accepted until November 12,… Continue Reading