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Category Archives: PC Security

Pew Survey on Future of Internet and Google’s Window to the Past

Press release: Technology experts and scholars foresee a bigger role for the internet in people’s personal and work lives in the next decade: “The Future of the Internet: A wide-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and analysts finds that most internet experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in the coming decade as… Continue Reading

Microsoft Releases Free Beta Antispyware Software

Microsoft Windows AntiSpyware (Beta): Overview, includes a link to download. Related news: From CNN, Microsoft offers free security program, and from PCWorld, Microsoft Sends Shivers Through Antivirus Market – “Release of anti-spyware tool, promise of virus removal software could spell trouble for antivirus software companies.” Update: January 13, 2005, Free Microsoft Program To Battle Spyware… Continue Reading

Federal Gov’t Creates Program to Recycle Old Computers

“Ecycling” Government Computers Under Recycling Electronics and Asset Disposition Services: “For the first time, EPA is awarding contracts to help the entire federal government recycle or properly dispose of computers and other electronic equipment. The new program will prevent hazardous substances inside these items from entering landfills. For example, each computer monitor contains six pounds… Continue Reading

Webite of Selected Free, “Clean” Software for Windows Users

“ is a resource to help Windows users find the best free daily-use software, free from nasties: adware, spyware, harmful/intrusive components, and threats to privacy.” (via Slashdot) Versions of the software included are accompanied by red, yellow and green dots indicating the level of reliability. The Full Software Index (updated at the discretion of the… Continue Reading

New Compliance Regs Result in More Secure Networks

From the RedSiren press release: “A new survey of computer security professionals reveals that while many of them believe that the time they need to comply with increased government regulations has cut into their ability to secure their computer networks, they also admit that those networks are safer as a result.” Related references: Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA,… Continue Reading

New on

A trio of PowerPoint presentations providing resources on the following timely issues: Corporate Blogging – Sabrina I. Pacifici documents and illustrates how the development and implementation of blogs within your organization can serve as a key application to facilitate research services, knowledge management, marketing, training, and communications within groups, departments, and enterprise wide. Got Competitive… Continue Reading