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Category Archives: PC Security

Report Documents Steady Rise in Cybercrime

Symantec Internet Security Threat Report, Volume VIII, September 2005 (requires free registration): “The Symantec Internet Security Threat Report is an analysis and discussion of Internet security activity over the past six months. It covers Internet attacks, vulnerabilities, malicious code, and future trends. This edition of the Threat Report, covering the first six months of 2005,… Continue Reading

Anti-Spyware Vendor Recommendations for Corporate Environments

How to Combat Spyware in Corporate Environments – “A vendor contribution from Panda Soft on Spyware…Spyware downloaded to companies can steal confidential information, reduce the performance of the IT infrastructure, due to the resources used by non work-related activity and loss of employee productivity, who have to deal with changes to system settings and unwanted… Continue Reading

NIST Launches Database of Computer Vulnerabilities

“The new National Vulnerability Database (NVD) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will make it easier for system administrators and other security professionals to learn about vulnerabilities and how to remediate them. The NVD is a comprehensive database that integrates all publicly available U.S. government resources on vulnerabilities and provides links to… Continue Reading

Corporations Reluctant to Reveal Incidents of Cyberextortion

From the New York Times, The Rise of the Digital Thugs chronicles the under-reported, yet growing, threat to corporations from “cyber extortionists” seeking bribes in return for withholding data and information obtained by breaching networks. Related reference: Enumerating and Reducing the Threat of Transnational Cyber Extortion against Small and Medium Size Organizations, September 2004 (30… Continue Reading

FDIC Guidance on Mitigating Risks From Spyware

Spyware – Guidance on Mitigating Risks From Spyware FIL-66-2005, July 22, 2005 “Summary: The FDIC is issuing the attached guidance to financial institutions recommending an effective spyware prevention and detection program based on an institution’s risk profile. This guidance and the attached informational supplement discuss the risks associated with spyware from both a bank and… Continue Reading

GAO Report Highly Critical of DHS IT Systems

Information Security: Department of Homeland Security Needs to Fully Implement Its Security Program GAO-05-700, June 17, 2005. Highlights. “DHS has not fully implemented a comprehensive, departmentwide information security program to protect the information and information systems that support its operations and assets. It has developed and documented departmental policies and procedures that could provide a… Continue Reading

CERT Issues Cyber Security Alert On Trojan Email Attacks

Alert Overview: “The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) has received reports of an email based technique for spreading trojan horse programs. A trojan horse is an attack method by which malicious or harmful code is contained inside apparently harmless files. Once opened, the malicious code can collect unauthorized information that can be exploited… Continue Reading