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Category Archives: PC Security

Report Finds Increased Use of Antispyware But Risk Still Extremely High

Press release: Phishing attacks aimed at identity theft now affect roughly one in four Americans (23%) each month, according to the second annual AOL/National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) Online Safety Study (11 pages, PDF). Additionally, more than two-thirds of consumers (70%) who received such scam e-mails thought they were from legitimate companies, putting them at… Continue Reading

Spear Phishing Target Specific Individual, Corporate, Gov’t Data

Following up on previous postings about phishing, the New York Times yesterday published an article, Gone Spear-Phishin’ detailing the extent, impact and intent of cybercriminals who launch Trojans to steal the data of individuals and corporations, for both profit and personal reasons. See also Business Week, Phishing: Beware the Internal Revenue Scam: “The official-looking e-mails… Continue Reading

Global Computer Waste Exported to Africa

Following up on previous postings related to security risks associated with discarding PC hard drives, the parallel environmental toll of the expanding amount of e-waste generated by constant hardware upgrades, via the The Basel Action Network (BAN): High-Tech Toxic Trash Exported to Africa The Digital Dump: Exporting Re-Use and Abuse to Africa Information Recovered from… Continue Reading

Paper Examines Liability Issues and WiFi Access

Hale, Robert V., Wi-Fi Liability: Potential Legal Risks in Accessing and Operating Wireless Internet. Santa Clara Computer and High Technology Law Journal, Vol. 21, p. 543. “Suppose you turn on your laptop while sitting at the kitchen table at home and respond OK to a prompt about accessing a nearby wireless Internet access point owned… Continue Reading

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month

“Microsoft has teamed up with the National Cyber Security Alliance (NCSA) to help increase Internet security through a month-long awareness-raising campaign that provides information and sponsored events for consumers, small businesses, educators, and families. This year, the National Cyber Security Awareness Month campaign begins October 1, 2005…Events for this year’s campaign include conferences and workshops… Continue Reading