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Category Archives: PC Security

Managing Cybersecurity Resources

Managing Cybersecurity Resources: A Cost-Benefit Analysis “details guidelines for using sound and measurable principles of cost-benefit analysis, as a compliment to gut instinct, to efficiently allocate and manage cybersecurity resources within your organization. Written by two globally acknowledged leaders in the increasingly critical area of cybersecurity (Lawrence A. Gordon and Martin P. Loeb), this comprehensive… Continue Reading

DHS To Conduct National Computer Security Survey

“The goal of National Computer Security Survey (NCSS) is to produce reliable national and industry-level estimates of the prevalence of computer security incidents (such as denial of service attacks, fraud, or theft of information) against businesses and the resulting losses incurred by businesses. The first national survey of thousands of businesses is being conducted in… Continue Reading

FDIC Releases New Tool To Protect Consumers Against Online Scams

Press release: “The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) today released an on-line multimedia education tool that consumers can use to learn how to better protect their computers and themselves from identity thieves. The presentation also features actions consumers can take if their personal information has been compromised. Identity theft continues to be one of the… Continue Reading

Survey of Cyberpreparedness By State and Local Governments

Press release: “The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), which represents the chief information officers (CIOs) of the states, and the Metropolitan Information Exchange (MIX), an association of county and municipal CIOs, have released findings from a pair of surveys of state and local government cybersecurity preparedness.” Survey Findings (7 pages, PDF) Survey… Continue Reading

E-Gov Site Focuses on Secure Computing and Protecting Personal Info

“ provides practical tips from the federal government and the technology industry to help you be on guard against Internet fraud, secure your computer, and protect your personal information.” Quick facts and related resources are available on the following topics: ID theft, spyware, phishing, spam scams, online shopping, P2P file sharing, and VoIP. The free… Continue Reading

Guide to Malware Reviews and Evaluates Threats and Industry Responses

Malware – Future Trends, by Dancho Danchev,10/01/06 (26 pages, PDF). “Malware has truly evolved during the last couple of years. Its potential for financial and network based abuse was quickly realized, and thus, tactics changed, consolidation between different parties occurred, and the malware scene became overly monetized, with its services available on demand. What are… Continue Reading

OMB Report to Congress on E-Gov Initiatives

Report to Congress on the Benefits of the President’s E-Government Initiatives, January 6, 2006. (183 pages, PDF) “The Federal government is delivering results through expansion and adoption of electronic government principles and best practices in managing information technology, and is increasingly providing timely and accurate information to the citizens and government decision makers while ensuring… Continue Reading