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Category Archives: PC Security

Washington AG Sues Companies for Violation of Anti-Spyware Law

Press release, August 14, 2006: “Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna… announced the filing of Washington’s second lawsuit under the state’s computer spyware act. The state’s suit accuses four California-based corporations of installing software that takes control of a consumer’s computer by launching aggressive and persistent pop-ups that demand payment for a movie download service.”… Continue Reading

New National Survey on Enterprise Data Security Risks

Ponemon Institute Releases National Survey on Confidential Data at Risk “Stored data presents unique challenges for enterprise security, and the U.S. Survey: Confidential Data at Risk is a first-of-its-kind study on the topic. Derived from a national sampling of nearly 500 experienced information security practitioners, the survey reveals a number of key findings, including: 81… Continue Reading

Treasury IG Report Details Increased Security Risks from Non Business Use of Email

Inappropriate Use of Email by Employees and System Configuration Management Weaknesses Are Creating Security Risks, July 31, 2006, Reference Number: 2006-20-110 (20 pages, PDF). “We found e-mail messages that violated the IRS’ personal use policy in the electronic mailboxes of 71 (74 percent) of 96 employees.” Continue Reading Begins Issuing Warnings to Google Users Blog: “We’re entering a new phase here at Google—which is one of our partners—will present people with a warning before they visit websites that have been reported to as sites that distribute badware. These warnings currently link to a general page on, but as we finish researching sites, we’ll replace the… Continue Reading

New Blog Focuses on Tech Policy, Civil Liberties

“CDT launched PolicyBeta, a new blog dedicated to expanding the dialogue about technology policy, civil liberties and preserving democratic values in the digital age. PolicyBeta will feature regular posts on issues ranging from domestic surveillance to spyware, and will provide CDT experts an opportunity to discuss in detail the latest trends and developments affecting the… Continue Reading

Hearing on Phishing Remedies

The Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, chaired by Rep. Spencer Bachus (AL), held a hearing today entitled “ICANN and the Whois Database: Providing Access to Protect Consumers from Phishing.” Government officials contend that access to Whois data is essential in the effort to combat cybercrimes, while privacy advocates maintain that access to data… Continue Reading

Forensic Investigation of State Department Computer Breaches Ongoing

AP: “Computer break-ins at the State Department that caused broad disruptions in recent weeks apparently originated in the East Asia-Pacific region, a department spokesman said Wednesday.” Daily Press Briefing, Sean McCormack, State Department Spokesman Washington, DC, July 12, 2006: “First of all, the systems affected were unclassified computer systems…Our folks monitored this attempt and took… Continue Reading

Most Large North American Organizations Subjected to Security Breaches

Press release: “CA today announced a new security survey of 642 large North American organizations which shows that more than 84% experienced a security incident over the past 12 months and that the number of breaches continues to rise. According to the findings, security breaches have increased 17% since 2003. As a result, 54% of… Continue Reading