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Category Archives: PC Security

Paper on Disk Failures in the Real World

Follow up to February 19, 2007 posting, Google Publishes Study on Failure Rates of Hard Disk Drives, from the 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies and Awarded Best Paper, Disk Failures in the Real World: What Does an MTTF of 1,000,000 Hours Mean to You? “Component failure in large-scale IT installations is becoming… Continue Reading

Comprehensive Emergency Management Program – Model for State and Territorial Courts

A Comprehensive Emergency Management Program – A Model for State and Territorial Courts 2007 , February 2007 (187 pages, PDF). “A Comprehensive Emergency Management Program (EMP) consists of… six elements [Program Management Program Management, Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Recovery, Training]…As new plans and programs that address one or more of these elements are developed, they will… Continue Reading

Google Publishes Study on Failure Rates of Hard Disk Drives

Failure Trends in a Large Disk Drive Population, Eduardo Pinheiro, Wolf-Dietrich Weber, Luiz André Barroso, 5th USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST 2007), 2007 “We have built an infrastructure that collects vital information about all Google’s systems every few minutes, and a repository that stores these data in timeseries format (essentially forever) for… Continue Reading

New on for February 2007 – Part I

Creating Intranet Applications for Knowledge Sharing Within Law Firms, by Jason Eiseman Technology and Policy Issues With Acquiring Digital Collections, by Roger V. Skalbeck and Iva M. Futrell Seven Legal Technology Trends for 2007: Widening the Digital Divide in Law Practice, by Dennis Kennedy GAO Releases Database of Comptroller General Decisions, by Michael Ravnitzky The… Continue Reading

Anti-Spyware Coalition Releases Best Practices Documents For Public Comment

Best Practices Suggestions Document: “Building upon the Definitions and Risk Model documents, the Best Practices document aims to expand past defining what behaviors and consent factors will currently make software potentially unwanted and to focus upon making the marketplace better. This document highlights the sorts of technological behaviors that limit the negative impact of potentially… Continue Reading

Use of Workplace Technology Continues Despite Policies

LexisNexis press release: “Most office workers use workplace technology for personal reasons; many may be ignoring employer policies, new research shows…Despite the fact that nearly one-half (45%) of office workers have been explicitly informed their at-work technology usage is monitored, a majority still use their employers’ technology resources for personal reasons, according to a new… Continue Reading