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Category Archives: PC Security

Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers, Version 2

National Institute of Standards and Technology, Computer Security Division: “SP 800-44 version 2, Guidelines on Securing Public Web Servers, is published as final. It is intended to aid organizations in the installation, configuration, and maintenance of secure public Web servers. It presents recommendations for securing Web server operating systems, applications, and content; protecting Web servers… Continue Reading

FTC Plays Critical Role in Online Consumer Protection

Press release: “The FTC today told the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science & Transportation Subcommittee on Interstate Commerce, Trade and Tourism that it has a robust record in protecting consumers and preserving competition in the marketplace…Speaking for the Commission, Chairman Deborah Platt Majoras said that much of the work of the FTC’s Bureau of Consumer… Continue Reading

National Institute of Standards and Technology Guidelines on Active Content and Mobile Code

August 31, 2007: Draft Special Publication 800-28 Revision 2 Guidelines on Active Content and Mobile Code (60 pages, PDF) “SP 800-28 version 2 is now available for public comment. It provides an overview of active content and mobile code technologies in use today and offers insights for making informed IT security decisions on their application… Continue Reading

DOT OIG Analysis of Loss of Control Over Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information

Analysis of Loss of Control Over Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information and Follow-up Actions to Strengthen its Protection, August 28, 2007. Correspondence (23 pages, PDF) Summary: “On August, 28, 2007 we issued a memorandum on our analysis of the circumstances surrounding the July 27, 2006 theft of an OIG laptop from a government vehicle in Doral,… Continue Reading

NIST Guide to Secure Web Services

August 29, 2007: “NIST announces the publication of Special Publication (SP) 800-95, Guide to Secure Web Services (128 pages, PDF). SP 800-95 seeks to assist organizations in understanding the challenges in integrating information security practices into Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) design and development based on Web services. The publication also provides practical, real-world guidance on… Continue Reading

Article Examines Corporate Responsibility for Compromised Personal Records

Erickson, K., & Howard, P. (2007). A case of mistaken identity? News accounts of hacker, consumer, and organizational responsibility for compromised digital records. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(4), article 5. “The computer hacker is one of the most vilified figures in the digital era, but to what degree are organizations actually responsible for compromised personal… Continue Reading

Consumer Report's 2007 State of the Net

“The risk associated with using the Internet remains high. Our State of the Net assesses the likelihood and impact of four leading online hazards, listed in order of incidence, based on the survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center and our follow-up investigation.” In this report: Overview >> Phishing >> Viruses >> Spam >>… Continue Reading

University of Washington Report on Data Breaches Faults Companies for Organizational Mismanagement

Press release: “If Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of Washington Phil Howard’s calculations prove true, by year’s end the 2 billionth personal record — some American’s social-security or credit-card number, academic grades or medical history — will become compromised, and it’s corporate America, not rogue hackers, who are primarily to blame. By his… Continue Reading

2006 Annual Report Issued by Internet Crime Complaint Center

Press release: “The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) today released its annual Internet Fraud Crime Report. From January 1 through December 31, 2006, the center received 207,492 complaint submissions. These filings were composed of fraudulent and non-fraudulent complaints primarily related to the Internet and included many different fraud types to include auction fraud, non-delivery,… Continue Reading

USPTO Report Finds Inadvertent Filesharing Threatens Personal, Government and Corporate Data

Press release: “…the Department of Commerce’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) released a report that concludes that the distributors of five popular filesharing programs repeatedly deployed features that they knew or should have known could cause users to share files inadvertently. The report, Filesharing Programs and “Technological Features to Induce Users to Share,… Continue Reading