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Category Archives: PC Security

Cisco Study on Remote Workers Reveals Need for Greater Diligence Toward Security

“Cisco® today announced key findings from its annual global study on remote workers’ security awareness and online behavior, indicating how they can inadvertently heighten risks for themselves and the companies they work for. The study’s findings are prompting Cisco security executives to offer recommendations to information technology (IT) professionals on how to protect their companies… Continue Reading

Minimizing the Effect of Malware on Your Computer: FTC Offers Information on Protecting, Reclaiming Your Computer

“Criminals are hard at work thinking up creative ways to get malware on your computer, warns the Federal Trade Commission. With appealing Web sites, desirable downloads, and compelling stories, these criminals try to lure consumers to links that will download malware, especially on computers that don’t use adequate security software. Then, they use the malware… Continue Reading

Sensitive Data Retrieved From Used Government Tapes

Press release: “Congresswoman Betty McCollum (MN-04), has sent a letter to the Government Accountability Office asking that it reopen its investigation of the privacy and national security risks posed by government agencies reselling used magnetic data tapes that may once have contained large amounts of sensitive personal and government information. Researchers working for Imation, an… Continue Reading

Department of Commerce Breach Notification Response Plan

Department of Commerce Breach Notification Response Plan, September 28, 2007 (21 pages, PDF) This Plan identifies key Department officials who will serve on the Identity Theft Task Force (ID Theft Task Force) to develop strategies for handling data security breaches, including those incidents posing a potential risk of identity theft. In addition, the Plan specifies… Continue Reading

Draft Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems

SP 800-53 A – DRAFT Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems: “NIST announces the release of Draft Special Publication 800-53A, Guide for Assessing the Security Controls in Federal Information Systems. This final public draft provides comprehensive assessment procedures for all security controls in NIST Special Publication 800-53 (as amended) and important… Continue Reading

CRS Report – Botnets, Cybercrime, and Cyberterrorism

Botnets, Cybercrime, and Cyberterrorism: Vulnerabilities and Policy Issues for Congress, Updated November 15, 2007. “Cybercrime is becoming more organized and established as a transnational business. High technology online skills are now available for rent to a variety of customers, possibly including nation states, or individuals and groups that could secretly represent terrorist groups. The increased… Continue Reading

2007 Identity Theft Resource Center Breach List

“…the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) has been tracking security breaches for the past three years, looking for patterns, new trends and any information that may help us better protect data and assist companies in their activities…In 2006, there were in excess of 315 publicized breaches affecting nearly 20 million individuals. Based on ITRC’s categorization,… Continue Reading

101 Best Web Freebies – BusinessWeek

101 Best Web Freebies – scoured the Internet for the most useful free products and services available online that you probably don’t know about, by Douglas MacMillan. This 45 screen slideshow includes graphics and links to recommended products by category – tech tools, personal finance, career, entertainment, print media, research, health, online learning, PC… Continue Reading

Wi-Fi piggybacking widespread, Sophos research reveals

Press release, November 15, 2007: “IT security and control firm Sophos has revealed new research into the use of other people’s Wi-Fi networks to piggyback onto the internet without payment. The research, carried out by Sophos on behalf of The Times, shows that 54 percent of computer users have admitted breaking the law, by using… Continue Reading

Guide to Optimizing Investments in Security Countermeasures

Optimizing Investments in Security Countermeasures: A Practical Tool for Fixed Budgets, by Jonathan Caulkins and Nancy R. Mead, September/October 2007 edition of IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine. “In the article, the team presents a tool and methodology they developed for software engineers and their clients to help them make security decisions when resources are limited.” Continue Reading

CDT Comments on FTC's Spyware Principles

CDT: “As it seeks models to address the mounting issues surrounding online behavioral targeting, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) should begin by applying the principles it developed to guide its anti-spyware enforcement efforts, CDT said today. In comments submitted to the FTC in advance of its upcoming “town hall” meeting on behavioral advertising, CDT pointed… Continue Reading